Photo Credit: WWE

Carmella Recalls How She Embarrassed Herself Trying To Meet Will Ferrell: ‘I’m Such A Klutz’

Carmella recalls falling flat on her face in her chance to meet Will Ferrell before she hit it big with WWE.

Carmella spoke with Ryan Satin for FOX Sports and shared an embarrassing story that saw her attempt to meet Will Ferrell during her days as a Laker Girl. Prior to WWE, Carmella was a cheerleader and she shared how her Lakers profile video featured her talking about ‘Step Brothers’ being one of her favorite movies ever.

“I’ll never forget: Will Ferrell was sitting courtside. So basically, say this is where Will Ferrell’s sitting [motions behind], I’m on the floor right in front of him. My back is on his knee. He’s right there,” she explained, “so I was freaking. I was like, ‘Oh, my god, I really hope they play my profile because he’s here, and he needs to know this.’”

They didn’t play the video, so Carmella decided she would go say hello to him, despite that being frowned upon by the team. She explained how she went to approach him after a costume change but ended falling and embarrassing herself.

“So after one of the costume changes, we made our way back to where we were sitting on the court, and I was like, ‘I’m gonna say hi to him!’ I walk by and say, ‘Oh my god, Will, I’m such a big fan.’ And as I said that, I tripped over one of the big camera cords, and I fell! He’s trying to help me up,” she exclaimed, “and I’m like, ‘This is so embarrassing!’ My one little chance to tell him that I was a huge fan and I loved him, and I fell! Typical me. I’m such a klutz.”

Read More: Carmella On Reginald Storyline: I Wanted A Bodyguard But Got A Sommelier Instead