roh best in the word 2021

ROH Best In The World Results (7/11/21)

Backstage, Quinn McKay asks Matt Taven if he’s sure he wants to face Vincent in a steel cage match. Taven said this bout is all he wants, and he vows to leave Vincent with some scars.

Jay Lethal vs. Brody King

Lethal and King feel each other out, but the bout quickly turns into a slugfest. Lethal hits the Lethal Injection out of nowhere for a one count. The former world champion dives onto King four times outside the ring. King dumps Lethal to the outside. He then blasts Lethal with a chop that sends him crashing to the mat.

King drills Lethal with a series of chops. He grounds the leader of The Foundation and fishhooks him. A few more thunderous blows give King even more momentum, but Lethal rallies with a powerbomb. King drops Lethal with a piledriver, and the former champion rolls to the floor. A running crossbody from King squashes Lethal against the barricade. King slams Lethal onto the apron for a two count.

Lethal counters one Gonzo Bomb, but he can’t escape another, as King earns the pin with his signature move.

Winner: Brody King

Author’s Thoughts: With this emphatic victory, King should cerrtainly be considered one of the top contenders for the world title. He dominated “The Franchise” for most of this bout, and he was cheated out of his previous title match at ROH Final Battle 2020. Lethal made King look great with some excellent selling throughout the bout; putting anyone in the ring with a veteran star of Lethal’s caliber is a winning recipe for elevating younger talent.

ROH Pure Championship: Jonathan Gresham (c) vs. Mike Bennett

Gresham and Bennett exchange technical holds early on. Bennett drops Gresham with a shoulder tackle. The challenger makes Gresham use his first rope-break early on, but the champion grounds Bennett and wrenches his elbow. Gresham disrespectfully spanks Bennett and taunts the crowd.

Bennett gains some breathing room and catches a diving Gresham outside the ring. Gresham counters by putting Bennett in a Kimura lock outside the ring, and the challenger taps out. Because they’re outside the ring, the submission doesn’t count, and Bennett fights his way to the ropes.

Bennett locks Gresham in the London Dungeon and forces Gresham to use his second rope break. Bennett blasts “The Octopus” with a high-impact clothesline. Gresham kicks Bennett in the head, but the challeger fires back with another clothesline. The champion nearly gets the win by rolling up Bennett and kicks his injured arm. A springboard moonault and a stomp to the arm earns Gresham another two count.

Bennett uses his final rope-break, and Gresham continues to target his arm. The champion blasts Bennett with a kick to the head and dives onto him outside the ring. Bennett catches Gresham with a superkick in midair and a powerbomb for a two count. Gresham locks in a Crossface and hammers Bennett in the back of the head.

Bennett escapes a backpack sleeper by slamming Gresham into the turnbuckles, powerbombs him and hits a piledriver. Bennett seemingly wins the match, but Gresham’s foot was under the ropes, so the match continues.

Gresham wrenches Bennett’s knee and kicks his arm. The champion twists Bennett’s ankle sideways in a submission hold and makes him tap out.

Winner and still ROH Pure Champion: Jonathan Gresham

Backstage, The Foundation is forced to regroup, as Jay Lethal is unable to compete in the ROH Tag Team Championship match. Gresham reluctantly takes his place.

ROH World Television Championship: Tony Deppen (c) vs. Dragon Lee (with Bestia del Ring)

Deppen and Lee trade blows right away. Lee takes control with a running boot in the corner, but Deppen answers with a running forearm and a series of chops. Deppen suplexes Lee onto the floor and hits a diving Canadian Destroyer through the ropes.

Lee fires back with a dropkick in the corner and hits the Dragon’s Horns (running dropkick). The challenger hits a double stomp from the tree of woe position onto the apron. Deppen gets a near fall with a roll-up. Kenny King leaves the commentary table and distracts Deppen.

Lee capitalizes and drills Deppen with a kick. The champion keeps fighting, and both men pop up after a series of German suplexes. A pump knee and another suplex drop Deppen, but he fires back with the same sequence. Both men are down after a double clothesline.

Both men exchange strikes, and a nasty forearm rocks Deppen. Lee hits the Dragon Driver for a near fall. Deppen roars back with some chops and kicks out at one after an impactful clothesline. The Incineration (running knee) earns Lee the victory.

Winner and new ROH World Television Champion: Dragon Lee

ROH Best In The World Results Continue On The Next Page!