WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (7/12/21)

Falls Count Anywhere Match: John Morrison w/The Miz vs. Ricochet

Morrison and Ricochet trade flips in the ring. Morrison hits a neck breaker on the apron. Morrison backslides Ricochet outside the ring. Ricochet kicks out. Morrison kicks Ricochet’s head into the barricade. Morrison sets up Starship Pain. Ricochet counters and hits a German suplex hold for a near fall. Morrison sends Ricochet out of the ring. Morrison hits his classic countdown senton off the apron for a near fall. Morrison tries DDT off the barricade but Ricochet puts on the breaks.

Ricochet crushes Morrison with a 450 splash off the barricade. Morrison kicks out. Morrison tries to run away. Ricochet dives off the ring post and hits a shooting star splash. After the break, there is a ladder set up between the apron and the announce desk. Morrison hides behind Miz and his wheelchair. Ricochet dives over the top rope and Miz and lands on Morrison. Morrison kicks out again. Morrison and Ricochet fight up to the stage. Ricochet lands a ranna for a near fall.

Morrison and Ricochet fight into the backstage area. Miz slowly rolls himself up the ramp. Morrison and Ricochet’s battle spills back into the arena. Ricochet tries to use Miz as a weapon. Morrison avoids it while also stoping Miz from crashing and burning. Riddle runs down to the ring and flips Miz’s wheelchair on its back. Riddle sprays Miz with the drip stick. Ricochet splashes Morrison through a ladder. Ricochet pins Morrison.

Winner- Ricochet

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