ROH Announces 10 Names For Honor Rumble At Death Before Dishonor

Ring of Honor is slated to have a 15 man Battle Royal called the Honor Rumble and now, they have announced two-thirds of the field with promises of some potential surprises.

From ROH:

The battle royal-style match begins with two competitors chosen at random. Every 90 seconds, another competitor enters the ring. The winner of the Honor Rumble receives a future shot at the ROH World Title.

In addition to Danhausen, who was previously announced for the match, here are the other wrestlers confirmed to participate:

— Beer City Bruiser
— PJ Black
— Dak Draper
— Rey Horus
— Brian Johnson
— Joe Keys
— Brian Milonas
— Sledge
— Silas Young

Who will the other five competitors be? Could there be some surprises? Join us live in Philadelphia or watch for free on ROH’s social media platforms or HonorClub to find out!

WrestleZone will have live coverage of the event on September 12.


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