WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (9/20/21)

Backstage, Lashley barges in Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville’s office. Lashley complains about getting cashed in on while he was hurt. Lashley says this show is supposed to be about him, the real champion. He can beat either of them any day of the week.

MVP suffered a broken rib after Randy Orton’s RKO out on the floor last week.

Eva Marie vs. Doudrop

Before the match starts, Marie makes fun of Doudrop. As soon as the bell rings. Marie puts on her jets and runs away. Doudrop chases Marie. Doudrop lands a senton followed by a basement crossbody for the win.

Winner- Doudrop

Big E burst into Deville and Pierce’s office and demands a match with Reigns and Lashley tonight.

After the break, Paul Heyman says Lashley and Big E came in Deville and Pearce and bitch to get what they wanted. Pearce and Heyman get into a screaming match. Pearce books Big E vs. Lashley vs. Reigns.

AJ Styles w/Omos vs. Randy Orton w/Riddle. 

Styles and Orton trade submission attempts. Suplex by Orton. Orton Garvin stomps Styles. Omos trips Orton. Orton tells the referee. The referee banishes Omos from ringside. Riddle mocks Omos. Omos knocks Riddle out with an uppercut. In the confusion, Styles knocks Orton out of the ring. After the break, Orton sets up the hangman’s DDT. Styles stuns Orton on the top rope. Styles tries the Phenomenal Forearm but Orton grabs Styles for an RKO.

Styles puts on the breaks and locks in a sleeper. Orton escapes. Styles drops Orton with a Pelé kick. Springboard moonsault by Styles. Orton kicks out. Styles calls for his finish again. Orton jumps in the air for an RKO but Styles doesn’t launch himself in the air. Orton and Styles both point at each other. Orton grabs Styles and hits the Hangman’s DDT. Orton hits the RKO for the win.

Winner- Randy Orton

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