CM Punk Hobbs AEW Rampage
Image Credit: AEW

AEW Rampage: Grand Slam Results (9/24/21)

On Friday night, All Elite Wrestling presented its historic AEW Rampage: Grand Slam show. The special two-hour episode will feature CM Punk’s first match on television in seven years, a Lights Out tag team bout where Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston faced Minoru Suzuki and Lance Archer, and much more.

CM Punk vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Punk, wearing trunks rather than pants, enters to a huge pop. He takes the fight to Hobbs with a dropkick and kicks Hobbs’ leg. Hobbs drops Punk with a headbutt. Punk continues to target the leg and flips off Hook, who gets up on the apron to distract him. Hobbs capitalizes by flooring Punk with a body check. Powerhouse mocks Punk’s “Go to Sleep” taunt and takes firm control.

A stiff blow to the face drops Punk, but he rolls the the big man up for another two count. Hobbs trucks over Punk with another body block. He continues to dominate the match and locks in a brutal bearhug.  Punk rallies with a flurry of offense and hits his signature knee in the corner/clothesline combination. “The Second City Saint” gets a two count with a diving elbow drop. Hobbs gets a two count of his own with an impactful spinebuster.

Punk traps Hobbs in a sleeper hold, determined to put him to sleep in a different way, but Powerhouse slams his way out of it. Another slam still doesn’t keep Hobbs down. Punk spikes Hobbs on his head with a hurricanrana off the top rope. He locks in a triangle choke, but againbs slams his way out of it for a two count. The two men exchange strikes, and Punk blasts Hobbs with a kick to the head. Hobbs acidentally trucks over Hook, and the distraction leaves the big man vulnerable to th Go to Sleep for then three count.

Winner: CM Punk

Jade Cargill and Thunder Rosa cut promos about the issues between them and Nyla Rose.

The SuperKliq (Adam Cole and the Young Bucks) vs. Christian Cage and Jurassic Express (with Brandon Cutler and the Good Brothers)

Cole tags out early on to avoid Cage. Cage takes control on Matt Jackson and eventually double-teams him with Jungle Boy. The Young Bucks try to gang up on Jungle Boy, but he fends them off by dropping both men with an arm drag. Jungle Boy challenges Cole to get in the ring and face him. He chases Cole outside the ring and gets blindsided by a double superkick from the Young Bucks.

The Young Bucks kiss Cole while he locks Jungle Boy in a camel clutch, and they drop the fan-favorite with a double drop kick. After a commerical, Luchasaurus is left by himself against the SuperKliq. He single-handedly takes the fight to all three men. Cage brawls with Matt Jackson at ringside. Cole and Nick Jackson drop Luchasaurus with a double superkick. The Young Bucks go for More Bang for Your Buck, but Jungle Boy counters. He gets a near fall on a diving headbutt from Cage. Doc Gallows distracts the referee when Jungle Boy locks in the Snaretrap.

Cole and Luchasaurus take the fight to each other, and the match descends into chaos as everyone brawls. Eventually, the ring clears, and the fight continues outside the ring. Matt hits Cage below the belt and throws him off the stage. The Jacksons toss Jungle Boy off the stage.

Cole drills Luchasauus with a Shining Wizard and a superkick, followed up by a Panama Sunrise. The Bucks trill the dinosaur with the BTE Trigger, and Cole pins him with the Last Shot.

Winners: The SuperKliq

The Inner Cirle (Chris Jericho and Jake Hager) vs. Men of the Year (Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky)

Jericho and Sky start the match, and “Le Champion” flips off Page when he gains the upper hand. Hager and Jericho double-team Page. Page takes control, and Lambert blasts the former world champion with a cheap shot.

Men of the Year isolate Jericho, but he rallies with a back suplex on Sky. Hager tags in and clears house. Hager floors Page with a clothesline, but Sky pulls him off the apron , which helps Page take control with a diving shoulder block. Hager rallies again with a clothesline on Page. Jericho and Sky tag in, and “Le Champion” fires up with a flurry of offense. He hits the Lionsault, and Hager gets  two count with a Hager bomb. Hager and Jericho trap their opponents in an Ankle Lock and the Walls of Jericho on Page and Sky, respectively.

Hager drills Sky with a boot, but Lambert trips him up, allowing Sky to roll him up for the win.

Winners: Men of the Year

Hager and Jericho attack Men of the Year, and they target Lambert, but American Top Team (Junior Dos Santos, Austin Vanderford, Paige Vanzant , Andrei Arlovski, and Jorge Masvidal) rescue him.

They surround the ring and start brawling with Hager and Jericho. The numbers game is just too much. Paige VanZant drills Jericho with some body shots, and American Top Team leaves “Le Champion” in a bloody heap.

AEW Rampage: Grand Slam Results Continue On The Next Page!