shane thorne
Photo Credit: Grim's Toy Show

Shane Thorne Using ‘New’ Crocodile Dundee Gimmick At WWE SmackDown Tapings; Thorne Comments

Shane Thorne is (out)back.

Shane Thorne worked a match against Austin Theory at Friday’s WWE SmackDown taping in Philadelphia, and the former RETRIBUTION member was sporting a ‘new’ look. Thorne made his entrance for his match wearing a crocodile tooth hat, made famous by Paul Hogan in the Crocodile Dundee films, along with some khaki shorts.

In response to the ‘new’ look, Thorne shrugged and said it’s not exactly new to him, as he’s always been Australian.

Thorne’s reply might have been in jest, but he has been slowly introducing the gimmick to the WWE Universe, including last week during a dark match at SmackDown in Knoxville.

Read More: WWE SmackDown Results (9/24/21)

Check out more video of Thorne’s entrance below:


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