WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (10/5/21)

Backstage, Carmelo Hayes says they are getting a tag title shot and he didn’t even have to use his contract. Hayes don’t miss. Trick Williams is still very much bout it, bout it. They are winning the titles tonight.

Indi Hartwell w/Persia vs. Mei Ying w/BOA

Ying chokes Hartwell in the corner. Ying locks in the death grip. Hartwell and Ying fall out of the ring but Ying doesn’t let go. Ying sends Hartwell into the ring post. Persia pushes Hartwell out of the way and eats a boot from Ying. Hartwell attacks Ying from behind. Hartwell hits her springboard elbow for the win.

Winner- Indi Hartwell

After the match, Persia gives Hartwell her wedding ring back. Hartwell puts it on and kisses it.

In-Ring Segment: Raquel Gonzalez

Gonzalez says she is going to end Mandy Rose. Toxic Attraction inturupts. Rose calls Gonzalez desperate. Gonzalez must know her title reign is coming to an end. Toxic Attraction is taking over. Jayne adds they are going to hold all the gold because they aren’t just Toxic Attraction, they are THE Attraction. The group surrounds the ring. Io Shirai and Zoey Stark hit the ring and stand with Gonzalez.

Backstage, Lash Legend tells some folks in the back that she is going to spill some hot tea next week. Tony D’Angelo walks in and says if Legend really wants a scoop, she should have him on her show next week. Legend says maybe. When D’Angelo walks away she says she loved him in the new Sopranos movie.

Fatal Four-Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match: MSK (c) vs. Grizzled Young Veterans vs. Jensen and Briggs vs. Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams

Lee and Carter double team Gibson. Hayes tags himself in and trades strikes with Carter. Hayes lands a springboard clothesline. Williams and Hayes shoulder block Carter. Jensen tags in and gets worked over by Williams. Jensen and Briggs attack everyone. Lee surprises Williams with a dive. MSK hit their finish on Williams for the pin.

Hayes and Williams have been eliminated

After the break, Briggs gets a blind tag before GYV hits a Ticket to Mayhem on Carter.  Gibson tries to pin Carter but he isn’t the legal man. Briggs and Jensen hit an assisted powerbomb for the pinfall.

Grizzled Young Veterans have been eliminated

Briggs and Jensen hit a huge double spinebuster on Lee. Jensen and Briggs set up an assisted powerbomb on Lee. Carter tackles Briggs out of the ring. Lee hits a ranna into a pin for the win.

Briggs and Jensen have been eliminated

Winners and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions, MSK!

After the match, Briggs and Jensen hand MSK their titles and walk away. IMPERIUM attacks MSK from behind. Briggs and Jensen make the save.

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