Image Credit: WWE

MSK Retain NXT Tag Team Titles In Elimination Four-Way

MSK had the deck stacked against them on the 10/5 episode of WWE NXT 2.0, but Wes Lee and Nash Carter weathered the storm of three other teams to walk out the victors and retain the NXT Tag Team Champions.

MSK put their NXT Tag Team Championship on the line against Grizzled Young Veterans, Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes and Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs. Williams and Hayes were eliminated first before GVV were removed from the equation by Briggs and Jensen. In the last few minutes of the bout, the newcomers gave MSK everything they could handle until Lee dropped Jensen with a Frankensteiner for the win.

After the bell, Briggs and Jensen grabbed hold of the titles and handed them Lee and Carter in a sign of respect. Right after the two left the ring to let MSK celebrate, Imperium came out and attacked the champions from behind. Briggs and Jensen came in for the late save to close the show, leaving MSK grateful for their assistance.

RELATED: MSK On Getting Booed: It Doesn’t Bother Us, We’ll Keep Doing What We Love To Do