MLW Fusion Alpha
Image Credit: MLW

MLW Fusion: ALPHA Results (10/20/21): Caribbean Title Match

This week on MLW Fusion: ALPHA, the Opera Cup rolled on, Richard Hollisay defended the Caribbean Championship, and Nicole Savoy facd Holidead in a singles bout.


Alongside Saint Laurent, Rich Bocchini welcomes viewers to the show.

During Holliday’s entrance ahead of the Caribbean Championship Match, his music plays, but he doesn’t come to the stage. The camera pans backstage, where CONTRA Unit is attacking Holliday. Alex Hammerstone makes the save, but the damage is done.

Nicole Savoy vs. Holidead (with Dr. Dax)

Willow Nightingale joins commentary ahead of the bout and expresses her excitement about MLW’s women’s featherweight division. In a pre-match promo, Savoy admits that Holidead is bigger, faster and stronger than her. But she states that the the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Savoy and Holidead lock up and feel each other out. Holidead wrenches Savoy’s arm, and the competitors exchange technical holds. Savoy takes Holidead down with two hurricanranas. A dive to the outside gives Savoy even more momentum. Back in the ring, she drops her opponent again with a suplex. Holidead ralies and stretches Savoy in the surfboard position. Both women are down after a headbutt.

They get back to their feet and trade blows. Two suplexes stun Holidead, and a running elbow earns Savoy a two count. A kick to the head rocks Holidead, but she fires back with a backbreaker and a slam. Savoy suplexes Holidead for another two count. In the end, Holidead submits to the Regal Stretch.

Winner: Nicole Savoy

Officials check on a seemingly injured Savoy after the match. Holidead attacks Nightingale and plants her with a DDT on the ramp. She punches the fan-favorite star with a chain-wrapped fist and leaves her lying.

In an update on Holliday, Alicia Atout interviews the wounded champion, who says he’s cleared to fight. He explains that breathing rarefied air means you defend your title.

Opera Cup Opening Round: Matt Cross vs. Calvin Tankman

King Mo joins the commentary team for this match in order to scout Tankman. Cross rocks the big man with a kick as soon as the match starts, but he doesn’t seem to feel it. A head-scissors tanks Tankman down, and Cross hits him with a standing stomp. With a dive to the outside, Cross is firmly in control. Back in the ring, Tankman sends Cross flying with a Pounce. A stiff forearm drops Cross, and Tankman suplexes him for a two count.

Tankman blasts Cross with another forearm and continues to ground him. A splash earns Tankman another two count. Cross rallies with two pump kicks and a springboard crossbody. Another kick sends Tankman to the outside. The big man catches a diving cross and powerbombs him onto the apron. The two men trade chops and strikes. Tankman nails Cross with an elbow, but Cross gets a two count with a cutter. Tankman drills Cross with another elbow, clotheslines him and blasts him with a back-fist for the win.

Winner: Calvin Tankman

On commentary, Mo says he’s confident he can help Tankman reach his full potential. In an interview, Cross says Tankman is too good to cheat by poking him in the eye. He calls his loss “BS.”

MLW Fusion: ALPHA Results Continue On The Next Page!