WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (11/19/21)

WWE SmackDown Results

November 19, 2021

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE SmackDown Results (11/12/21)

In-Ring Segment: The Usos

There is a throne set up in the ring, with the crown. Jimmy and Jey say they have a surprise for Roman Reigns tonight. They went to RAW and showed Big E what’s up. They are going to show RK-Bro at Survivor Series. Jimmy and Jey introduce  Reigns. Reigns and Paul Heyman make their way to the ring. Heyman goes on and on about how great  Reigns is. No one deserves to be king of WWE  than the Tribal  King, Roman Reigns. Xavier Woods doesn’t deserve to be king. Neither does, Brock Lesnar, or Big E.

Reigns puts his hand out for the mic, stopping Heyman in his tracks. Reigns asks whose idea this was. This must be a joke. Reigns doesn’t need any of this stuff to be acknowledged. Reigns tells  Hartford to acknowledge him. The only reason Reigns took the crown is because he could. King Woods inturupts. King Woods says the man makes the King, not the material things Reigns has in the ring. Woods challenges Reigns to a match tonight. Reigns asks King Woods if the things in the ring really don’t matter to him.

King Woods reiterates the clothes don’t make the man. Jey wipes his nose with the cape. Jimmy breaks the scepter. Both Usos break the thrown. As Reigns is about to stomp on the crown, King Woods rushes the ring. The Usos beatdown King Woods. Jimmy and Jey hold King Woods as Reigns stomps on the crown. Reigns tells King Woods there is only one true King of WWE.

Backstage, King Woods falls to his knees. Kayla asks King Woods what he’s going to do. King Woods promises to meet Reigns in the ring tonight. The Roman Empire wasn’t built in a day, but it will fall tonight.

Ricochet vs. Sheamus vs. Cesaro vs. Jinder Mahal w/Shanky (Winner Will Be Added To SmackDown’s Survivor Series Team)

A four-way brawl breaks out as soon as the bell rings. Sheamus drops Cesaro with a clothesline. Mahal kicks Ricochet in the head. Mahal sets Ricochet up for Sheamus to hit the ten beats of the Bodhran. Sheamus smiles before pounding on Ricochet. Mahal sneaks up behind Sheamus and rolls him up. Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus lands the ten beats on Mahal. Cesaro tries to swing Sheamus but he fights out of it. Ricochet drops Sheamus with a springboard dropkick. Ricochet lands a huge dive outside the ring.

After the break, Sheamus lands a superplex on Mahal. On the other side of the ring, Ricochet sends Cesaro flying with a top rope ranna. Cesaro swings Mahal. Cesaro locks Mahal in the Sharpshooter. Shanky pushes the rope to Mahal but rope breaks don’t work. Ricochet breaks up the sharpshooter. Ricochet hits the 630 on Mahal. Sheamus Brogue Kicks Ricochet before he can pin Mahal. Cesaro breaks up the pin. Ridge Holland runs down to the ring and distracts Cesaro long enough for Sheamus to Brogue Kick him for the win.

Winner- Sheamus

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