WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/29/21)

Backstage, Rollins burst into Pearce’s office. Pearce tells Rollins he hasn’t seen Owens all day.

In-Ring Segment: Edge

Edge says he’s here to talk about the fact that he’s on RAW. There is a whole new set of opponents he can sink his teeth into. Like Owens, Bálor, and Big E. The Miz’s music hits. Miz and Maryse walk to the ring. Miz complains about Edge getting the big return segment and not mentioning his name on his list. Edge says he would have but he thought Miz was still dressing up as a genie. Maryse says Miz was the best dancer on Dancing with the Stars. Edge says Miz placed like 9th. Miz blames the fickle WWE fans for not voting for him.

Edge calls out the fact that instead of demanding what he wanted, Miz interrupted Edge. Miz knows that interrupting him puts him in the main event picture. Edge says he’s going to be honest. Edge puts Miz over and points out that Miz lives rent-free in so many heads that they mention his name on other shows for a cheap pop. Miz’s problem is that he demands respect but Edge earns respect. Edge bows up at Miz. Miz doesn’t want to fight. Miz and Maryse leave.

Backstage, AJ Styles says the attack with the fire extinguisher by the Street Profits last week has left him blind.

The Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy

Before the match starts, a semi-blind AJ Styles and Omos walk to the ring. Omos guides Styles as he stumbles around the ramp. Gable and Otis work over Ford. Ford manages to tag in Dawkins. Dawkins suplexes Gable all over the ring. Ford goes up top for the splash but Otis pulls Gable out of the ring. Ford lands a dive. Styles tries to get involved but Ford kicks Styles away. Ford crushes Gable with a splash for the win.

Winners- The Street Profits

After the match, Omos glares at Styles for lying to him about his eyes.

Backstage, Rollins finds Owens and tells him he’s a liar. Pearce said he never told Owens he’ll be added to the match at Day 1. Owens assures Rollins he’s telling the truth.

United States Championship Match: Damian Priest (c) vs. Apollo Crews w/Commander Azeez

Priest chases Crews around the ring. Azeez stands in the way. Crews dives off the apron and lands a knee to Priest’s face. After the break, Crews is working over Priest. Priest fires up. and hits a DDT. Crews falls out of the ring. Priest goes nuts and hits the Reckoning for the win.

Winner and STILL United States Champion, Damian Priest!

Backstage, Rollins burst in on Deville and Pearce. Rollins tells them Owens is still lying about his chance to get in the Day 1 title match. Pearce says they actually think it’s a good idea. Rollins goes nuts. If Owens beats Big E tonight, he will be added to the title match.

WWE RAW Results Continue On The Next Page!


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