WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (1/31/22)

Angelo Dawkins w/Montez Ford vs. Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler lands a running knee for a near fall. Ziggler is all over Dawkins in his hometown. Ziggler tries a splash but Dawkins swats him out of the air. Dawkins fires up and hits a spinning back elbow followed by a suplex. Ziggler lands a DDT but lands awkwardly in the process. Dawkins counters a superkick and hits a spinning butterfly neck breaker for the win.

Winner- Angelo Dawkins

Riddle and Gable are on the final lap of their race. KP and R-Truth are at the finish line. Gable falls off his scooter as they get to the ring. Before Riddle gets to the finish line, Otis appears out of nowhere and knocks Riddle off his scooter. Gable wins. Riddle demands a match. Gable gives him one, but against Otis.

Before the match starts, Pearce walks out on the stage and  makes this an Elimination Chamber qualifying match

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Riddle vs. Otis w/Gable

Otis body blocks Riddle clear across the ring. Otis flattens Riddle with a running splash. Riddle hits the ropes and runs right into a spinning back elbow from Otis. Otis works over Riddle Riddle eventually tries to fire back but Otis catches him with a suplex. Riddle fires back and hits two flash knees. Riddle hits a  Floating Bro but lands on Otis’ knee. Otis escapes Riddle RKO. Riddle manages to pin Otis after another Floating Bro.

Winner- Riddle

Bianca Belair vs. Carmella

Carmella leaves the ring to put on her protective face mask. Belair tosses Carmella all over the ring. Belair mocks Carmella. Carmella slaps Belair. Carmella runs aways. Belair follows. Carmella stomps Belair as she rolls back into the ring. Carmella works over Belair. Belair its the KOD for the win.

Winner- Bianca Belair

Backstage, Gable announces their next contest against RK-Bro will be a quiz bowl.

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