Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

Moose Ready To Make A Statement At ‘No Surrender,’ Proud Of Hard Work Paying Off

Moose is ready to prove once again why he’s a wrestling god. 

Moose recently spoke with WrestleZone ahead of his next title defense against W. Morrissey at IMPACT Wrestling’s No Surrender event on February 19. The two initially worked together, but they were clear that it was about the world title and they weren’t partners. Now, Morrissey has his sights squarely on Moose’s title, but the champion says he’s not too worried despite the challenge ahead. 

“Going into the match, he’s huge as everyone can see. He’s a titan, he’s 7 feet tall,” Moose explained, “and especially in the last few months, he’s shown that he’d a wrecking force. This is a different kind of matchup for me, but because I believe in myself and have confidence in my abilities and I’ll be just fine.”

Asked about how he’s going to combat Morrissey’s size and mean streak, Moose said fans should just tune in and see how he’ll keep his opponent in check.

“Just watch the next couple of weeks of TV and it’ll show you the answer to your question without spoiling it,” Moose stated. “I made a statement last week and I make an even bigger statement in next week’s episode.”

Moose is the IMPACT World Champion, and it’s a distinction that also comes with being the “face” of the company. Asked how he views being held in that regard, he said it’s just a sign of hard work paying off.

“It’s definitely a lot of hard work. I’ve worked my butt off to achieve being the face of the company and to have my face on the poster and to be the guy that’s going on media tours to promote,” he explained. “There’s definitely been a lot of hard work that’s been done in my six years in IMPACT Wrestling and I’m extremely proud of it.”

No Surrender will also feature a match between Team IMPACT and “Honor No More”, a stable of former Ring Of Honor talent that include Maria and Mike Bennett, Matt Taven, PCO and Vincent. Moose is also a former ROH star, and he says it’s unfortunate that the company’s hiatus took place, but this is

“It’s very sad with what happened to Ring of Honor, but that being said — and even though I don’t care for the faction that came to IMPACT — I think it’s great that those guys have a platform to show what they’re doing with Honor No More. I think Ring of Honor has a lot of great talent that companies should look into getting because they could definitely help their roster,” he said. “Hopefully Ring Of Honor signs some of these guys [back]; I’m confident that they could make our product better.”

Check out our full interview with Moose at the top of this post. Moose will be part of IMPACT’s “Battle In The Bayou” tapings on February 19 and 20 in New Orleans. The schedule includes No Surrender on Saturday and a set of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS television tapings on Sunday; tickets are available now.

Read More: IMPACT Wrestling Offering ‘Alternative Commentary’ For No Surrender On FITE