WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (3/1/22)

Harland w/Joe Gacy vs. Draco Anthony

Harland tosses Anthony all over the ring. Anthony fires up but Harland slams his face into the mat. Harland hits his finish for the win.

Winner- Harland

After the match, Harland hugs Anthony.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic: Raquel Gonzalez and Cora Jade vs Valentina Feroz and Yulisa Leon

Gonzalez overpowers Firoz before tagging in Jade, who lands a dropkick. Gonzelez is sent out of the ring. Leon launches Feroz in the air to his a dive on Gonzalez. Leon follows that with a senton. Feorx tries a splash but Gonzalez catches her in the air. Slam by Gonzalez. Gonzalez hits her powerbomb finish. Gonzalez lifts Jade in the air. Leo charges in but eats a boot from Gonzalez. Gonzalez slams Jade on top of Feroz for the win.

Winners- Raquel Gonzalez and Cora Jade

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