Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

MJF’s Mom Is Embarrassed Of Him Again

Well the maternal positivity for MJF was fun while it lasted. It was just a mere week ago when Nina Friedman, mother of MJF, expressed pride for her baby boy after Max appeared to give a heartfelt speech regarding his struggles growing up. That all went to hell when Max revealed he used his troubled past to lull CM Punk into a false sense of security before unleashing a bloody attack on his former wrestling hero. Needless to say, Nina wasn’t pleased.

“I have NEVER been more embarrassed to be your Mother in my entire life! What a nightmare,” Nina Tweeted.

Max sure sucked Punk in as it was the latter who extended a hand of peace. Instead, Max hugged Punk and after some hesitation, Punk returned it, only to be kicked in the groin and ruthlessly attacked. You can read oue AEW Dynamite recap of the heated exchange below.

Out comes CM Punk. He questions now as to if he’s the bad guy? He said what Max did take courage to do. Punk can’t shake the feeling that he’s being gaslit. He’ll make it clear: he doesn’t think Max is lying. Where is question is is in his sincerity. Punk notes a famous picture of him and Steve Austin. Austin left wrestling and he wasn’t mad at the world. Since he’s been back, he’s seen MJF take out Dean Malenko who suffers from Parkinson’s. He’s watched Max run down Brian Pillman Jr.’s famous father. He also saw MJF make fun of Darby Allin’s late uncle. He also knows that “hurt people hurt people.” Punk invites MJF to come out here and have a conversation with him.

Max comes out and Punk tells him all the awful things he’s done in wrestling (he references Undertaker). He says what right now is about is an 11 year old kid watching at home. Punk said this morning he splashed water on his face and asked “Am I the good guy?” Punk says he sure is trying. He extends a hand. Max hugs him instead and  Punk returns the embrace after  a bit. He then kicks Punk in the balls. MJF  gives him the Heat Seeker and rips off his dress shirt to reveal a tee with the Punk/Yong Max photo on it. He calls for the Pinnacle.  They come out. Wardlow hands Max the ring and MJF drills Punk with hit. FTR play interference to security and Punk is bloodied. Max wipes his blood on his white tee.  MJF grabs hold of a mic while locked in a dog collar. MJF says he’s going to show Punk why he’s the devil himself. Spears strangles him with the chain before Sting, Darby Allin and Sammy Guevera come out for the save.

RELATED: MJF’s Mom Is Finally Proud Of Him Again


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