aew revolution

AEW Revolution Results (3/6/22)

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Jurassic Express (c) vs. The Young Bucks vs. reDRagon (Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish)

O’Reilly and Jungle Boy start the bout. Jungle Boy gains an advantage, but a distraction from Fish helps O’Reilly take control. Fish and O’Reilly double-team Jungle Boy. The Bucks tag in and follow suit. Jungle Boy rallies with an arm drag and a dropkick to Nick Jackson.

O’Reilly goes for a pin on Jungle Boy, prompting an argument with Matt Jackson. Tensions continue to rise between reDRagon and the Bucks. Fish stops Jungle Boy from tagging Luchasaurus. Matt and Nick double-team Jungle Boy. O’Reilly argues with Matt and accidentally kicks him when Jungle Boy ducks. Luchasaurus tags in and takes control. The Bucks briefly ground the dinosaur, but he fires back with a double chokeslam.

Jurassic Express hits a Doomsday Device for a two count. Matt Jackson accidentally kicks Fish when Jungle Boy ducks. O’Reilly tags in and squares off with Matt. Their partners enter the ring and trade blows. Everyone is down after a double clothesline. O’Reilly locks in a knee-bar, but Matt breaks it up.  O’Reilly breaks up the pin after a BTE Trigger. In the end, Jungle Boy pins Matt Jackson for the win.

Winner and still AEW World Tag Team Champions: Jurassic Express

Face of the Revolution Ladder Match: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Wardlow vs. Ricky Starks vs. Christian Cage vs. Keith Lee vs. Orange Cassidy

Team Taz takes the fight to Lee, but he dumps Starks out of the ring. Lee, Hobbs, and Wardlow are left alone in the ring. Cassidy rolls in between them and stares the powerhouse down.  All three big men spill out of the ring. Christian dishes out punishment with a ladder. He sends Cassidy and Starks crashing to the floor.

Cage plants Hobbs with a falling inverted DDT off a ladder. Lee squashes Cage and Starks with a crossbody. He uses Cassidy as a weapon by hitting people with him. Wardlow squares off with Lee, but Hobbs hits both men with a ladder. Cassidy uses a ladder as a helicopter to take down some of his opponents. Cassidy showcases some impressive athleticism to climb onto a ladder, but his efforts are in vain.

Cage blasts Hobbs with a Spear onto a ladder. Starks nails him with one of his own. Wardlow climbs up the ladder and keeps going, even with Starks and Cassidy on his back. Everyone battles on top of two ladders. Wardlow and Hobbs are left alone, and they duke it out. The match resets when both men come crashing down. Lee throws Cassidy out of the ring, and he lands hard on the floor.

Lee, Wardlow, and Hobbs battle up the ramp. Wardlow sends both men crashing off the stage through some tables below. Danhausen pops up and distracts Starks right when he tries to unhook the ring. Wardlow slams Starks onto a ladder, slamming the FTW Champion right onto his head. Wardlow unhooks the ring for the win.

Winner: Wardlow

Tony Schiavone welcomes a special guest for a contract signing. He recalls Christian Cage’s signing last year and hypes up the newcomer. Schiavone then introduces Shane “Swerve” Strickland as the newest signing.

Swerve cuts a brief promo and, helped by the fans’ loud cheers, says it’s “Swerve’s House.”

TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) (with”Smart” Mark Sterling) vs. Tay Conti

The two women trade strikes right away. Conti counters an early Jaded attempt. Cargill uses her strength to gain the upper hand, but Conti fires up with some pump kicks. Conti takes Sterling out with a dive to the outside. Cargill slams her challenger into a table at ringside and bounces her off the steps.

Conti counters the Jaded attempt again. Anna Jay blasts Cargill with a chair shot when the referee isn’t looking. Cargill evades the Tay-KO and plants the challenger with the Eye of the Storm. She hits a frog splash for a two count. Another distraction from Jay helps Conti take control, as she plants the champion with a piledriver. In the end, Cargill finally hits the Jaded for the win.

Winner and still TBS Champion: Jade Cargill

Dog Collar Match: CM Punk vs. MJF

MJF enters to Punk’s “Cult of Personality”, while Punk comes to the ring with a special entrance of his own; “Miseria Cantarre” plays Punk to the squared circle, and he’s wearing his classic Ring of Honor gear.

MJF whips Punk with the chain, but Punk chokes him with it. “The Second City Saint” wraps the chain around the turnbuckle and traps MJF. The veteran stomps MJF’s hand and punches him. “The Salt of the Earth” rallies and whips Punk with the chain. Punk is already busted open, as MJF grinds the chain against his face.

MJF grabs a microphone and tells Punk to tell the fans he wants to quit, “just like you quit on me.” Punk instead tells him to “eat s—.” Punk, his face covered in blood, headbutts MJF between the legs. He blasts MJF with the chain, but the Pinnacle leader gouges his wound and locks in a chain-assisted sleeper hold.

Punk targets MJF’s hand several times, and it becomes a clear weakness. MJF counters the GTS and locks in his signature arm-bar. Punk locks in the Anaconda Vice, but MJF turns it into a pin attempt to escape. “The Second City Saint” wraps a chain around his knee and blasts MJF with a Shining Wizard. MJF is bleeding, and Punk wraps the chain around his eyes.

Punk keeps hitting MJF and busts him wide open. MJF dodges a knee strike, so Punk crashes knee-first into the steel steps. With an injured leg, he’s unable to hit the GTS. Punk rocks MJF with a Tombstone onto the apron.

MJF gets a bag of tacks. He dumps them out and goes for Punk’s own running bulldog. Punk bites his way out and blasts MJF with a kick to the head. MJF still manages to superplex Punk onto the tacks. “The Salt of the Earth” screams for Wardlow comes to the stage, but he has seemingly forgotten the Dynamite Diamond Ring. Punk hits the GTS and looks at Wardlow, who pulls out the ring after all. He leaves it for Punk and walks away.

Punk blasts MJF with the ring and pins him for the win.

Winner: CM Punk

After the match, Punk makes it clear that he wants to chase the title by doing the championship taunt around his waist.

AEW Revolution Results Continue On The Next Page!