WWE WrestleMania 38 Results 
Credit: WWE

WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 2 Results (4/3/22)

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Queen Zelina and Carmella (c) vs. Naomi and Sasha Banks vs. Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan vs. Natalya and Shayna Baszler

Ripley wants Carmella. Vega tags her in. Carmella tags in Banks. Banks and Ripley get in each other’s faces. Ripley wants a test of strength. Banks obliges. Ripley takes down Banks. Ripley almost hits the Riptide. Banks almost turns it into a backstabber but Ripley shrugs her off. Ripley gets pulls out of the ring. Banks and Morgan both lands dives. Morgan and Banks both roll back in the ring. Morgan hits Oblivion but Natalya tagged herself in. Baszler and Natalya take turns working over Morgan. Baszler stomps on Morgan’s ankle. Carmella tags herself in. Vega and Carmella work over Morgan. Vega lands the Code Red.

Ripley breaks up the pin. Carmella lands a ranna off the top. Ripley falls out of the ring. Vega takes out Ripley with a moonsault. Naomi and Banks land double Eat d’Feet. Morgan and Ripley both land tower of doom spots in opposite corners. Morgan and Ripley hit their finish on Naomi. Banks breaks up the pin. Natalya and Banks set up a Hart Attack but Carmella and Vega break it up. Carmella lands multiple superkicks but Naomi keeps kicking out. Banks lands a splash but Carmella kicks out. After a series of reversals, Banks, and Naomi hits a wheelbarrow into a lung blower for the win.

Winners and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions, Naomi and Sasha Banks!

AJ Styles vs. Edge

Styles’ face is bleeding for some reason. Edge and Styles trade shots. Edge floors Styles with a shoulder block. Dropkick by Styles. Styles and Edge circle each other. Neither man can get an advantage. Edge kicks Styles in the gut. Styles sends Edge out of the ring. Styles sends Edge into the ring steps. Edge rolls back into the ring. Styles attempts a springboard 450 but Edge gets his knees up. Edge works over Styles. Styles counters Edge’s suplex with one of his own. Edge slams into the corner. Styles is clutching at his ribs. Styles lands a flurry of punches, ground, and pound style. Edge hits an arm breaker. After a series of submission attempts by both men, Edge locks Styles in the STF.

Catch up on last night’s coverage here: WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 1 Results (4/2/22)

Before Styles gets to the ropes, Edge transitions into a crossface. Styles manages to get his foot on the bottom rope. Styles surprises Edge with a slingshot DDT after Edge misses a shoulder tackle. Edge is out on the mat. Styles slowly climbs up top. Edge cuts him off. Styles escapes and hits a torture rack powerbomb. Edge kicks out. Edge rolls off of Styles’ shoulders and hits an implant DDT. Styles and Edge trade strikes. Snap German suplex by Styles. Edge and Styles trade strikes. Styles lands the Pelé kick. Styles rolls Edge into the Calf Crusher. Edge locks in the LeBell Lock. Styles fights out of it. Edgucuter by Edge.

Styles suplexes Edge off the top onto the ring apron. Styles lands a springboard 450 to Edge’s back. Edge kicks out. Styles misses the Phenomenal Forearm. Edge tries a Spear but Styles leaps over him. Styles’ Clash by Styles. Edge kicks out. Styles sets up the Phenomenal Forearm. Damian Preist appears at ringside. Styles is distracted. Styles tries the Phenomenal Forearm again but Edge Spears him in midair for the win.

Winner- Edge

After the match, Priest shows his allegiance to Edge.

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