faye jackson

Faye Jackson Thinks Tony Khan Should Hire Maria Kanellis For ROH

Faye Jackson talks Playboy, retirement, and gives her thoughts on the future of Ring of Honor.

Faye Jackson was recently a guest on the Women’s Wrestling Talk podcast. During her time on the show, she spoke about her new premium content through Playboy Centerfold. Jackson, who recently retired, says she thought it was fake when she was approached by Playboy.

“They just contacted me, and I thought it was fake, she said. I really thought it was fake! I still have my booking email, and I still check it from time to time, but I didn’t think anything of it. This email came in and was like, ‘Hey, we’re interested in you in playboy.’ I clicked on it and I just read through it, thought whatever, and ignored it. They sent a second one probably like maybe a week later. It said, ‘Hey, we were interested in you working for Playboy. Are you? Do you have any questions for us?”. So you know, as you get certain people’s emails, you click on the email to see where it actually came from? Well, So it was from @playboy.com. So I said, all right, this might be something! The guy that was talking to me was explaining to me about being a centerfold. It was gonna be similar to OnlyFans, but it’s more for Playboy exclusive models, because it’s starting from the ground floor. They will probably open it up later on for everybody joining but for right now. They’re just looking for particular women to help promote the brand. I said you do know I’m plus-size right?! They said that’s completely fine. They sent me over to the talent manager, and we just got into talks from there. They had me be the feature for April as one of the new people that they are bringing in. So yeah, I’m in Playboy Centerfold!”

Jackson also gave her thoughts on the current state of women’s wrestling saying that she hopes Tony Khan elects to continue having Maria Kanellis help with the Ring of Honor women’s division.

“I know Tony Khan is actually running it now, so you know, good luck to them! Is there somewhere that I would like to help out behind the scenes or anything? No, not really. I think this time it will be fine. As long as they got the right people to help run that division,” she explained. I think they should call Maria Kanellis back and say, ‘Hey will you help get these girls together?’ She would be the perfect person. Maria will always have my heart and she knows this. So even if she was like ‘hey, Faye, can you please please help me with this?’ If it’s her asking I will consider. Because without Maria Kanellis there will be no Faye Jackson character. She helped me at the beginning with this. I do have high hopes for this new Ring of Honor, especially the new women’s division. … Nobody wants to see wrestling die, Right? When it was announced that they were closing up, for someone that started there, if I didn’t start there people wouldn’t know who I was. So it’s not something you want to see disappear. You need competition, no matter how big or small, but WWE needs the competition, and they love competition. That makes their product better. If they see that these other companies that are on TV are doing this, that and the third, they’re like, “Oh, they’re bringing over fans from over there.” That’s good! That’s great for everyone. That’s great for the fans, that’s great for the wrestlers, that’s great for the business. So the fact that Ring of Honor is back. That’s really good. Because it’s needed. They are still needed in this business.”

SEE MORE: Maria Kanellis Launches Women’s Wrestling Army