charlotte flair
Photo Credit: WWE

Bully Ray Believes Women Wrestling Fan Bases Are Jealous Of Charlotte Flair: ‘That Girl Is Amazing’

Bully Ray sees a bonafide wrestling star in Charlotte Flair, with or without her famous last name. On a recent episode of Busted Open Radio, the Dudley brother made sure to boast about the top talent ability of the current WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion.

“Charlotte got out of Ric’s shadow. I don’t think of Ric Flair at all when I think of Charlotte. This is not about amount of championships she’s won.” claimed Bully Ray, “This is about the woman, the entertainer, the professional, the athlete that she’s turned into.

Bully is also all about the heat Charlotte garners.

“The Charlotte hate. Its greatness. We could agree on that, It’s greatness. Becky fans are jealous of Charlotte. Bianca fans are jealous of Charlotte. Bayley fans, Sasha fans are all jealous,” before making it known that he’s speaking specifically to fans of other women wrestlers, not the wrestlers themselves. “I’m not saying that these ladies are jealous of Charlotte. I’m saying these ladies’ fan bases are jealous of Charlotte. But after 30 years, I know what is good and what is not good. And that woman is better than good. That girl is amazing. I don’t even know the right word anymore. If Charlotte Flair was to stand in the middle of a ring and say ‘screw Roman Reigns, acknowledge me.’ I buy into it.”

Transcription credit should go to Anutosh Bajpai of

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