GCW Life Goes On The SAT Jordan Oliver Nick Wayne
Image Credit: GCW

GCW Life Goes On Results (5/1/22): Joey Janela, Alex Zayne And More

Game Changer Wrestling is back in Atlantic City this weekend for two shows.

The May 1 event, “Life Goes On, will feature Joey Janela, Alex Zayne, EFFY, and Allie Kat, among other stars.

The results are as follows:

Alec Price vs. ASF

Price and ASF feel each other out. ASF gets a two count with an early sunset flip and comes close to getting the three with a few more attempts. He sends Price to the floor and eats a boot to the face. Price slams his opponent onto the apron twice. Back in the ring, he continues to ground ASF. A jaw-jacker and a flurry of offense give ASF some momentum. He hits a moonsault outside the ring. ASF dumps Price on his head with a destroyer for a two count. Price fires up with a powerbomb and slams ASF into the turnbuckle. ASF suplexes Price and hits a modified piledriver for the win.

Winner: ASF

Alex Zayne vs. Dante Leon

Zayne and Leon feel each other out with some fast-paced offense. Zayne hits a rope-assisted cutter and dives onto Zayne outside the ring. He drills Zayne with a knee to the head. Zayne dodges another dive, so Leon lands hard on a pile of chairs. Zayne regains control and catches Leon with a dropkick. Leon blocks a senton attempt and kicks Zayne in the face. A brainbuster only earns Leon a two count. Zayne hits a standing corkscrew dive. Leon almost gets the win with a roll-up. He plants Zayne with a destroyer for another two count. “The Sauce God” slams Leon on his head with a pump-handle driver for the victory.

Winner: Alex Zayne

GCW Tag Team Championship: BUSSY (EFFY and Allie Kat) (c) vs. Akira and John Wayne Murdoch

“John Wayne BUSSY” chants upset JWM right away. He starts the bout with Kat and quickly asks for a time-out. JWM drives Kat into the corner and pulls her hair. She fights back and hits a running hip attack. Akira tags in, as does EFFY. The former Internet Champion goes for a kiss, trying to mess with Akira. He kisses JWM, but Akira bites his tongue. Akira dives onto everyone outside the ring. JWM stabs Kat with a broken light tube and brings some full times into play. He bashes Kat with one and grinds it on her head, busting her open in the process. JWM breaks another one on her head and slices her back with it.

EFFY runs back into the ring and hits the Sack Ryder. He slams Akira through a door with a Death Valley Driver. EFFY sends JWM through a door with a double-team Sack Ryder. Kat rallies and smashes JWM with a light tube. She slams him with a superplex onto some tubes. EFFY floors Akira with a Spear. EFFY and JWM go crashing through a door at ringside. Kat hits two piledrivers on Akira for the victory.

Winner and still GCW World Tag Team Champions: BUSSY

EFFY and JWM keep brawling after the match, and they fight all the way to the back.

Tournament of Survival Qualifying Match: Jimmy Lloyd vs. Shane Mercer

Lloyd attacks Mercer from behind with a light tube. Mercer suplexes Lloyd and hits him with a tube. He dumps Lloyd on his head with a reverse-rana and plants him with a powerbomb. Mercer gets a weed whacker, but Lloyd stops him from using it. Lloyd hits Mercer with it, but Mercer isn’t fazed by it. He easily powerslams Lloyd to the mat. Lloyd hits Mercer with a chair multiple times, but he seems to barely feel it. He sends Mercer crashing through a barbed wire-covered door. Lloyd bashes Mercer with light tubes, but the powerhouse blasts him with some kind of medieval weapon.

Mercer hits a fallaway moonsault slam and earns the three count.

Winner: Shane Mercer

GCW Life Goes On Results Continue On The Next Page!