WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (5/10/22)

Earlier today Tiffany Stratton takes Grayson Waller shopping to take his mind off of what happened last week (his loss to Nathan Frazer).

Backstage, Roderick Strong gets interrupted by the Creeds. Julius and Brutus are going to face the Viking Raiders again but they want to win the right way. Strong tells Julius and Brutus there is a new member of Diamond Mine: Damon Kemp. The Creeds aren’t happy. New members are supposed to be group decisions. Strong says not anymore. Kemp walks in and the Creeds give him the cold shoulder.

In-Ring Segment: Joe Gacy

Joe is in the ring with two druids. Gacy says their expansion has begun and these two have proven themselves. Gacy invites Bron Breakker to join their movement.

Backstage Sarray asked Andre Chase if they can turn his singles match into a mix tag match. He agrees.

All of the competitors in the Women’s Breakout Tournament are introduced on the stage.

Women’s Breakout Tournament First Round Match: Sloane Jacobs vs. Fallon Henley

Henley and Jacobs trade pin attempts. Henley runs over Jacobs. Jacobs misses a dropkick. Henley chargers in and eats a dropkick from Jacobs. Briggs and Jensen come to ringside to cheer Henley on. Henley works over Jacob’s arm. Henley lands a shining wizard for the win.

Winner- Fallon Henley

In the parking lot, Tony D’Angelo and his gang attack Cruz and kidnap him

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