Byron Saxton WWE RAW
Image Credit: WWE

Byron Saxton Discusses The Importance Of Bladder Control As A WWE RAW Broadcaster

Fans have often complained about the three-hour length of WWE RAW, but it also poses challenges to the broadcasters.

Byron Saxton is a member of the show’s broadcast team, and he has had to master the difficulty that comes with sitting down for the duration of the program without using the bathroom.

During an appearance on WWE Out of Character with Ryan Satin, Saxton described how making the transition to RAW was an obstacle because it’s an extra hour that the broadcasters have to hold their bladder. Thankfully, he has this dynamic down to a science.

“Making the transition to RAW, the biggest thing for me is now you’re going from a two hour show to a three-hour show,” said Saxton. “So you gotta have some serious bladder control. Seriously, you gotta figure out how to pace yourself. And I feel like I’ve finally mastered that. So my whole day is planned out. My last meal is at 6 o’clock. Ideally my last drip of water or any liquid, but I only drink water, really, is no later than 6:05. Now I will have a shot of beet juice, just powder mixed with water, I’ll have that at about 6:50. But generally speaking no serious liquid intake after 6:05.

“I’ll go out because I do Main Event, which is taped before Monday Night RAW every week, so I’m out there for three and a half hours. So between basically 7:1 and 7:25, I just, unless something else is going on, I camped out in the rest room. And it’s literally walk to the urinal, do something else. Two minutes back to the urinal, and I’m just squeezing every ounce out that I can because I’m so paranoid. It’s happened on occasion where you get out there and you’re halfway through the show and you’re like, you’re doing the pee dance, which looks more like Big E’s hips swiveling in your chair. And think I’m dancing. I’m really just trying to hold it in. I’m like shoot I got another hour to go and I didn’t plan on this happening. But yeah I’m very particular about that.”

Saxton also looked back on how he made it through a six-hour WrestleMania the first time he was on the broadcast team for the show, and he practically cried tears of joy when he finally relieved himself.

“If you’ve held it long enough, and you finally get to that point and you can let it all out, man, I had what was supposed to come out come out,” said Saxton. “But I also had tears streaming down my face. And I’m almost paralyzed for almost like a minute and a half because my body is like why did you do this to me? But in a weird way, it’s so relaxing being able to experience that relief after six hours. It’s cathartic.”

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