bron breakker
Photo Credit: WWE

NXT In Your House Result: Bron Breakker vs. Joe Gacy (NXT Championship)

Bron Breakker had the odds stacked against him tonight, needing to avoid being disqualified and beat Joe Gacy legitimately to retain his title. In a display of brillaince from Breakker, he did just that.

In a stellar match to close out tonight’s NXT In Your House pay-per-view, Breakker walked out on top and reigning over the NXT as NXT Champion thanks to some late match dominance. Towards the end of the bout, Breakker was able to counter a handspring attempt from Gacy with a spear, before hitting his finisher for the win.

For a brief rundown of how the match ended, check out below courtesy of our live, play-by-play covberage:

During the intros, Gacy slaps Breakker. Breakker goes nuts. As the bell rings Breakker attacks. Gacy slaps Breakker again. Breakker runs into a leg lariat by Gacy. Backbreaker by Gacy. Steiner line by Breakker. Gacy gets back to his feet and walks right into a suplex. Breakker works over Gacy in the corner. Gacy tries a leapfrog but Breakker turns it into the Steiner slam. Gacy is tossed out of the ring by his druids. Breakker picks up a chair but doesn’t use it. Gacy attacks from behind. Gacy works over Breakker. Breakker can’t fire up. Gacy gets a near fall after a DDT.

Gacy continues his assault. Breakker fires up and lands a couple of shoulder blocks. Spinebuster by Breakker. Gacy rolls out of the ring. Topé by Breakker. Breakker sends Gacy back into the ring. Breakker goes up top but one of the druids gets in the ring. In the confusion, Gacy grabs a chair and slams the mat. Gacy tosses Breakker the chair and hits the mat. The referee thinks Breakker hit Gacy. Before the referee DQs Breakker, another referee runs down to the ring and tells him not to.

Breakker hits a spear as Gacy is on the apron. Gacy is sent crashing through the announce desk. Breakker lands the bulldog. Gacy kicks out. Gacy slides a chair to Breakker. Breakker gives the chair to the referee. Gacy low blows Breakker. Breakker kicks out. Breakker grabs the chair. The referee threatens to DQ him. Breakker hits one of Gacy’s druids with the chair. Gacy tries his handspring but Breakker counters with a spear. Breakker hits his finish for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Bron Breakker!

RELATED: WWE NXT In Your House Results (6/4/22)