ethan page
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Ethan Page On His ‘Tightest Tits’ Line: I Didn’t Ask For Permission, I Wanted To Stand Out

Ethan Page didn’t ask for permission when he said he has “the tightest tits” in the game live on AEW Dynamite.

Speaking with Chris Van Vliet on Insight, Page emphasized that, as a performer, he’s focused on maximizing the time he gets, and he wants to make sure he delivers quotable lines. Van Vliet brought up the “tightest tits” line, and Page described how he likes to stand out and make an impact. He noted that he thought of the line as a fun way that he could list what sets him apart from other members of the AEW roster.

“I am all about like word play, things that sound good when they come out of my mouth,” said Page. “Shock value, ‘Did this guy really just say that?’ To stand out, to be different. And my social media has always been like, what’s gonna get a laugh? What’s gonna get a like? What’s gonna get some interaction? And I’ve always been a silly dude and I thought okay, why do females only get to say the word, ‘Tits’?

“So I was like, I got tits, too, and they’re the tightest in the game. I got the best smile in professional wrestling, tightest tits in the game, All Ego Ethan Page. I was trying to list different things that made me stand out in the company and I wanted to do it in an entertaining way.”

When asked about the reaction backstage, Page stated that he didn’t know, but he was glad the show was live. He also explained that he didn’t ask for permission because he knew it would have been shot down, and he was comfortable taking the risk.

“Could you imagine [pitching it]? Sitting down, ‘Listen, so Tony, I was thinking tonight I’d talk about my tits. What would you think about that?’ I could go get all this stuff approved, I could say, ‘Hey, this is what I’m thinking about saying,’ and blah blah blah. I don’t think people understand the delivery of the context of it, things might get shot down. I know we’re not gonna get taken off the air for that. I know it’s not offensive. But I know if I pitched it, someone would be like, ‘You’re gonna say what? No, no, no.'”

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