Photo Credit: WWE

Goldberg: Brock Lesnar Is An Absolute Mastermind, I Learned How Creative He Is

When Goldberg returned to WWE in 2016 at Survivor Series and defeated Brock Lesnar in 90 seconds, everyone was shocked. You might be even more shocked to know it was Lesnar’s idea.

Goldberg was the latest guest on Talk is Jericho to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about his return to WWE in 2016 to take on Brock Lesnar, Goldberg had nothing but great things to say about how Lesnar is to work with.

“I came in for a reason. Again, Brock needed an adversary. He needed a worthy adversary, and he needed somebody that he could even up the score against, and there weren’t too many people who were believable, and there weren’t too many people that hadn’t retired that had a story like mine that had the history with him. And the character has had different iterations throughout time. I came back even more simplistic than I left, which was easier for me as an elder statesman, but not nearly as fulfilling, but then you learn the inner workings of the wrestling business.

“I’ll tell you what, and I never would have said this before, and I don’t think you ever would have said it before, but Brock Lesnar is an absolute mastermind. I mean, he really is, and that’s something that I never saw coming ever, especially from a guy that talked bullshit about the business prior to getting into it that he would never would get into the fake wrestling thing, considering he was a real wrestler. And lo and behold, he looks at the opportunity, takes advantage of it, and shit. He’s got a rocket ship up his butt to the moon.

“And it was an honor for me to still be looked upon as somebody who was a worthy competitor and a worthy challenge for him. And you know, Brock’s the one that came up with the 90-second deal, right? You know me, I’m not gonna walk in and say, Oh, I’ve been away 12 years. I’m gonna beat Brock in 90 seconds and make me the alpha dog; it doesn’t work like that. So I learned a lot from Brock. And I learned a lot about who he is and about how creative he is, and how unselfish he is. And those are things that people would definitely be surprised about when talking about Brock Lesnar.”

READ MORE: Goldberg: Chris Jericho And I Have Had A Rocky Relationship, But He Has Always Gone To Bat For Me

What do you make of Goldberg’s comments? Are you surprised to learn this about the way Brock Lesnar’s mind works when it comes to the wrestling business? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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