WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (8/23/22)

Hartwell sits on the side of the ring complaining about her recent string of bad luck. Dexter Lumis crawls from under the ring. Lumis and Hartwell crawl to each other and embrace. Hartwell kisses Lumis. Lumis carries Hartwell to the back.

The Dyad vs. Legado del Fantasma w/Tony D’Angelo

D’Angelo berates Wilde and Del Torro for flying around the ring. Grimes is watching the match from the bird’s nest. The Dyad hit a Ticket to Mayhem for the win.

Winners- The Dyad

In the parking lot, Santos Escobar pulls up on Wilde, Lopez, and Del Torro. Santos asks if they thought he would leave without them. Escobar tells them to get in and they do. Escobar drives off.

Von Wagner w/Mr. Stone vs. Tyler Bate

Breakker is watching the match from the backstage area. Wagner beats down Bate, tossing him all over the ring. Bate escapes a press slam and sends Wagner out of the ring. Suicide dive by Bate. Bate tries to hit the ropes but gets blasted by a short-arm clothesline. Wagner counters Bate’s rebound clothesline. Bop and bang by Bate. Bate catches Wagner with a koppu kick. Spinning Boy By Bate for the win.

Winner- Tyler Bate

Lights Out Match: Tiffany Stratton vs. Wendy Choo

The lights are dimmed to the point where it’s hard to see anything. Stratton lands a nasty chop. The fight spills out of the ring. Stratton tries to hit Choo with a tennis racket she brought to the ring. Choo empties a trashcan on Stratton’s head before wrapping a trashcan around her head. Choo whacks the trashcan with the tennis racket. Stratton hits Choo with a toolbox. Choo and Stratton trade shots with various implements. Stratton misses a moonsault.

Choo hits a suplex on a chair. Choo puts Stratton in a crossface using a piece of metal. Stratton reaches for her purse and sprays Choo in the eyes with hairspray. Stratton misses a spinning elbow in the corner. Choo hits Stratton in the gut with a loaded pillow. Choo opens the pillow and it’s filled with Legos. Stratton tries a fallaway slam but Choo doesn’t land on the Legos.

Stratton bodyslams Stratton on the Legos. Choo sits up as Stratton double stomps her into the Legos. Choo kicks out. Stratton tries to throw powder in Choo’s eyes but she kicks it back into her face. Choo sends Stratton through the wooden bed at ringside. Choo hits a splash for the win.

Winner- Wendy Choo

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