WWE Clash at the Castle Results

WWE Clash at the Castle Results (9/3/22)

Intercontinental Championship Match: Gunther w/Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci vs. Sheamus w/Ridge Holland and Butch

Wow… Kaiser introduces Giovanni Vinci and refers to Gunther as the LEADER OF IMPERIUM. All three men are in classic IMPERIUM black. As Gunther and Sheamus have a staredown, Their companions get into a brawl. Sheamus and Gunther do not move as chaos reigns all around them. butch tacks out Kaiser and Vinci with a moonsault to the outside. The bell rings and Sheamus and Gunther tear into each other, trading strike after strike. Gunther floors Sheamus with a bit boot. After on chop, Sheamus’ chest is beet red. Sheamus counter Gunther’s suplex with one of his own. Gunther escapes the ten beats.

Sheamus launches Gunther into the ring steps. Gunther fights out of another attempt at the ten beats. Sheamus lands another shot. Gunther lights Sheamus up with a few more chops. Gunther charges in and eats a boot. Sheamus flips up to the top rope. Gunther destroys him with another chop. This one sends Sheamus flying out to the floor. Gunther bodyslams Sheamus on the ring steps. Sheamus is almost counted out, rolling back in at the nine count. Gunther continues his chop assault.

Sheamus is bleeding from his chest. Sheamus tries to fight back but he gets dropped by another flurry of chops. Boston crab by Gunther. Sheamus crawls toward the ropes. Gunther turns it into a crossface. Sheamus bites him to break the hold. Gunther lands a few short arm chops. Sheamus fires up and lands a flurry of strikes of his own. Gunther drives him into the corner before dumping him out of the ring.

Bodyslam on the floor by Gunther. Gunther launches Sheamus over the announce desk. Sheamus slams Gunther’s head into the desk. Ten beats by Sheamus on the announce desk. Gunther scurries away. Sheamus lands the ten beats in the ring. Gunther manages to retreat. Sheamus follows and gets sent over the barricade. Sheamus hits the ten beats on the barricade!

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (8/26/22)

Gunther runs away. Sheamus sends Gunther back into the ring. King Kong knee drop by Sheamus. Sheamus and Gunther trade strikes. German suplex by Gunther. Sheamus responds with a pump knee strike for a near fall. Sleeper by Gunther. Gunther tries a powerbomb but Sheamus reverses it into white noise. Gunther kicks out. Sheamus misses the Brogue Kick. Gunther hits a powerbomb but Sheamus kicks out.

Gunther stomps on Sheamus’s lower back. Sheamus writhes in pain on the mat. Gunther goes up top. Sheamus cuts him off. Sheamus lands the Celtic Cross. Gunther kicks out!!! Sheamus sets up a Brogue Kick but his back gives out. Gunther hits another low angle powerbomb. Sheamus somehow gets to his feet. Gunther obliterates Sheamus with a lariat. Gunther pins Sheamus.

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion, Gunther!

Sheamus gets a standing ovation from the crowd.

WWE Clash at the Castle Results Continues On The Next Page!


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