WWE NXT Worlds Collide Results

WWE NXT Worlds Collide Results (9/4/22)

NXT and NXT UK Women’s Title Unification Match: Mandy Rose (c) vs. Meiko Satomura (c) vs. Blair Davenport

Rose and Davenport team up and beat down Satomura. Rose and Davenport argue over who will get the pin. Satomura storms in and gets a near fall on Rose with a roll up. Cartwheel dropkick by Rose. Davenport pulls Satomura out of the ring and body slams her on the floor. Rose invites Davenport to get in her ring. Rose slams Davenport. Victory roll by Davenport. Rose kicks out. Ranna by Davenport.

Rose works over Davenport. Satomura trips Davenport on the apron. Satomura sends Davenport into the ring steps and lays in a few kicks. Rose sends Satomura into the ring post. Davenport surprises Rose with a double stomp to the back. Satomura and Davenport face off in the ring. STF by Satomura. Davenport escapes. Davenport tries to leap off the rope but Rose yanks her foot causing her to slam into the apron. Satomura and Rose trade strikes.

Rose floors Satomura with a clothesline. Satomura laughs at Rose as Rose kicks her in the chest over and over again. Satomura gets to her feet and unloads on Rose with strike after strike. Rose kicks out of a spinning head kick. Rose surprises Satomura with a spinebuster. Davenport breaks up the pin. Davenport posts Satomura and gets a near fall on Rose with a northern lights suplex.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT 2.0 Results (8/30/22)

Rose hits a superplex on Davenport. Satomura immediately lands a frog splash on Davenport. Rose breaks up the pin. Satomura lands elbow after elbow to Rose and Davenport. Satomura lays in head kicks to both Davenport and Rose. Davenport gets to her feet and tries a suplex. Rose joins in. Satomura reverses the double suplex attempt with a double DDT. Satomura lands the Satomura Special on Rose. Davenport avoids it. Satomura hits a Satomura Special on Davenport and Rose at the same time. Both women are out. Satomura hits the DVD on Rose.

Davenport breaks up the pin with a double stomp. Davenport lands a kamigoye. Satomura kicks out. Rose tackles Davenport and hits a few strikes. Satomura breaks up Davenport’s pin with Scorpion Rising. Before Satomura can capitalize, Rose hits Kiss from a Rose on both Davenport and Satomura. Satomura falls out of the ring. Rose pins Davenport.

Winner and Unified NXT and NXT UK Champion, Mandy Rose!

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