EC3 Control Your Narrative
Image Credit: EC3

EC3 Believes ‘Control Your Narrative’ Could Find Itself In Any Promotion, Still Has Aspirations For Live Events

EC3 still hopes to show fans his true vision of what The Narrative should have been.

During a recent interview with WrestleZone, EC3 spoke about how recent events changed plans for his Control Your Narrative brand. CYN ultimately launched a tour and hosted live events, but the company was put on hiatus after Killer Kross and Braun Strowman made their respective returns to WWE.

Now, EC3 says that CYN’s fall tour is on hold, but he still hopes to show people the original vision and story he always intended to share.

“Touring aspirations and live events, those are still on the table. Is CYN going to be the ‘promotion’ hosting these? Or is it what I really believe it is, that’s like a concept and an idea and almost a faction of people believe in the message and the idea becoming part of other things. As the tour was progressing,” EC3 noted, “my idea was to really make that a brand for other independents and high-level people and other talents to be able to be seen by the world if we had television behind it and it was televised. It’s just another platform for people to have their name out there, be recognized, be noticed.

“It was bold and ambitious. With Adam going back to the WWE, it wasn’t in the cards at the time. It can still play, but I do also think the idea of Control Your Narrative being a group and a faction, plus an idea that can find itself in any promotion,” he explained, “whether it’s televised, whether it’s independent, whether it’s international, and contributing a new, unique brand and interest and draw to those places, everybody can win.”

EC3 also spoke about the concept behind his pitch for “The Great Rebrand” of his Narrative, explaining that he wants to see his original plan through.

“The whole Control Your Narrative idea and presentation and Free The Narrative and what it was going to become got lost. Lost in a disarray of misinformation and unnecessary online banter. My vision has been corrupted, and that was because I allowed my vision to be in the hands of honestly, other people at times. I too may have been blinded and corrupted by the fact that with what we had, that may be something, we can expedite the process. I never want it to be the promotion or the three letter brand per se,” he pointed out, “but then all of a sudden we kind of were positioned as one due to a streaming television deal and a possibility of live tours and things like that.

“But it all got lost in the concept and the idea. So ‘the Great Rebrand’ is basically… I don’t know, people say the Great Reset. So I thought it’d be funny to say the Great Rebrand. But two, at the same time, if my vision initially didn’t work, it’s my vision and my responsibility and accountability that all lies on me. So, what I did, I don’t feel it’s going to work properly. What I’m going to do with a clearer vision and the experience behind it? That is, in fact, the Great Rebrand,” EC3 stated. “And it might not be so great as far as visual and a different concept, but is bringing true intention to what I wanted to do and seeing it through.”

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