wwe survivor series results

WWE Survivor Series WarGames Results (11/26/22)

Backstage, Jey asks Reigns what happened with Zayn. Reigns tells Jey that he say everything he needed to in Zayn’s eyes.

WarGames: The Bloodline vs. Kevin Owens, Drew McIntyre, and The Brawling Brutes

Butch and Jey Usos kick off the match. Jey and Butch jaw at each other. Jey hesitates before getting into the second ring. Jey tries to rush the ring and gets clobbered by Butch. Butch bends Jey’s fingers like a pretzel. Butch stomps Jey’s arm. Butch uses the cage to bend Jey’s fingers. Jey works over Jey’s injured arm. Jey counters Butch and sends him into the cage. Jey works over Butch. Ridge Holland is released next. Holland floors Jey with a clothesline. Jey fires back with a kick to Holland’s gut. Uppercut by Jey. Jey hits the ropes and gets power slammed by Holland. Holland crushes Jey in the corner over and over again with multiple body blocks. High and low by Butch and Holland.

As the timer runs out, Jimmy is about to leave the cage, but Reigns tells Jimmy to hold on. Reigns tells Zayn to go. Zayn slowly walks to the ring. Jey gets to his feet and attacks Butch and Holland from behind. Zayn hits the ring and sends Holland in between the rings. Zayn stomps Holland. Jey and Zayn double team Holland. Zayn pats Jey on the back. Jey slaps his hand away. Both men argue. Butch hits a moonsault off the cage on both men. Holland suplexes Zayn and Jey at the same time. Zayn pulls Jey out of the way of a charging Holland. Drew McIntyre is released next. McIntyre slams Jey into the cage over and over again. McIntyre suplexes Zayn from one side of the ring to the other.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (11/25/22)

Jimmy Uso is released next. Jimmy slides a few tables into the ring. Jey and Zayn fight over the table. Reigns shakes his head as he watches his team unravel. Zayn and Jimmy set up a table in the corner. Kevin Owens is released next. Owens hits the ring with a chair. Chair shots for everyone by Owens. Swanton by Owens. Owens tosses a chair into Jimmy’s face. Zayn and Owens end up in the same ring together. Holland attacks Zayn from behind before the two can fight. Owens suplexes Jimmy through a table. Solo Sikoa is released next. Sikoa hits the ring and beats down all of the Brutes. Owens lands multiple strikes on Sikoa between the rings. Sikoa shrugs it all off. Owens tries a pile driver, but Sikoa back body drops Owens on the metal plating between the rings.

McIntyre and Sikoa trafe strike. Sikoa tries a hip attack, but McIntyre floors him with a flying headbutt. Sheamus is released next. Zayn tries to hold the cage door shut. Sheamus hits Zayn with the door. Sheamus clears the ring. The Brutes and McIntyre beat down the Bloodline against the cage. Sheamus hits white noise on Sikoa off the second rope. Roman Reigns is the final man released.

WarGames officially begins

Both teams stand tall in opposite rings. The Brutes, McIntyre, and Owens charge. Both team trade strikes. Reigns lays everyone out with uppercuts. Sheamus walks right into a Superman Punch. Sheamus counters a Spear from Reigns with a high knee. Sheamus tries to land the ten beats on Reigns, but Jimmy and Zayn block it. The Brutes, McIntyre, and Owens all land ten beats on each member of The Bloodline. Sheamus tries to Brogue Kick Reigns, but Sikoa pushes Reigns out of the way and takes the hit. Reigns Spears Sheamus. Butch breaks up the pin. Jey accidentally superkicks Zayn, The Usos hit the 1D off the top on Butch. Holland breaks up the pin. The Usos double superkick Holland. Reigns Spears Holland through a table.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (11/25/22)

Sikoa puts McIntyre through a table with Spinning Solo. Owens Stuns Sikoa. Reigns breaks up the pin. Owens hits a Pop-Up Powerbomb on Reigns. Stunner by Owens. Zayn stops the referee before he could Reigns down for three. Owens and Zayn lock eyes. Owens and Zayn argue. Jey tries to superkick Owens, but he catches his foot. Zayn low-blows Owens. Zayn looks conflicted. Owens gets to his feet in the corner. Reigns nods at Zayn. Zayn destroys Owens with a Helluva Kick. Zayn tells Jey Owens is all his. Jey goes up top and hits the Uso Splash for the win.

Winners- The Bloodline

Zayn stares down at Owens with a conflicted look on his face. Reigns holds his arms open. Zayn and Reigns hug. Jimmy hugs Zayn as Jey looks on. Jey hugs Zayn as well. The Bloodline celebrates.




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