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Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Big Bill Credits JBL And The Shawshank Redemption As Some Of His Heel Influences

Big Bill takes influences from all forms of entertainment to help develop his heel persona, including a couple of WWE Hall of Famers.

The Firm’s Big Bill was the latest guest on AEW Unrestricted with Aubrey Edwards and Tony Schiavone to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked who his heel influences are, Bill credited The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar for his intensity and JBL for being an asshole.

“Man, I tried to really emulate Brock [Lesnar] in terms of the intensity, Undertaker with the intensity. But in terms of being a heel, JBL is a guy, there’s something about JBL, that 2004 2005 JBL where he’s just such an asshole,” Big Bill said. “So I do kind of emulate him quite a bit.

“Yeah, and a lot of times its movie characters and TV characters that I try to emulate because in wrestling, not that it’s all been done. It’s a lot of things have been seen a lot of styles, a lot of promos have been done. So I try to really kind of steal I’d almost say from characters on TV shows that I watch and the real pieces of shit, those are the guys when I watch them I’m like that’s who I want to be. Like the dude from the Shawshank Redemption, the Warden. That guy; try to emulate that guy because he is such a dick.”

Tony Schiavone brought up the point that the heel is what makes movies great because you want to see them get theirs in the end. This is something that Bill definitely agreed with.

“Yeah. When you really feel inwardly like you really, really hate the guy on a TV screen, and you know it’s being filmed, and you know that it’s not real, but you get that emotion stirred up inside of you. That’s a really good heel that makes a TV show. I agree,” Big Bill said.

READ MORE: Big Bill Credits Chris Jericho For The Idea To Wrestle In Jeans

What do you make of Big Bill’s comments? Do you think he picks some good heels to draw influence from? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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