WWE WrestleMania 39 Night two Results

WWE WrestleMania 39 Night One Results (4/1/23)

In-Ring Segment: The Miz and Snoop Dogg

Snoop tells Miz it would be cool if Miz had a match tonight. Miz says he sent out an open challenge online, and no one answered. Pat McAfee’s music hits. McAfee is wearing his WrestleMania tank top. Miz says he can’t make a match even though he is the host of WrestleMania. Snoop says he can. So he books the match.

The Miz vs. Pat McAfee

Miz runs into a spine buster. Miz tries a dive off the top but gets superkicked out of the air. Miz says he is done with this and tries to leave. On the way out, he jaws at George Kittle in the crowd. Kittle hops the barricade and clothesline Miz. McAfee lands a dive. McAfee pins Miz after a punt kick.

Winner- Pat McAfee

Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match: The Usos (c) vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

Jey wants to start against Zayn. Jey and Zayn lock up. Neither can get an advantage. Thez Press by Zayn. Jimmy pulls down the top rope as Zayn hits it, sending him flying out of the ring. Jey and Jimmy double-team Zayn outside the ring. The Usos take turns beating down Zayn. Zayn manages to tag in Owens. Owens lands a dive. Owens frog splashes Jey off the apron, then frog splashes Jimmy in the ring. Jimmy kicks out. Jey gets a tag and lands a pop-up neck breaker. Owens kicks out. Owens tries a swanton but Jey gets his knees up.

Jimmy lands a Uso Splash. Owens kicks out. Jimmy misses a hip attack. Cannonball by Owens. Zayn destroys Jey on the apron with a brain buster. Zayn gets a near fall after a Uso Splash. Blue thunder bomb by Zayn. Jey superkick Zayn. Jimmy and Jey unload on Zayn with superkick after superkick. Owens breaks up the pin and eats a superkick as well. Double superkick by the Uso to Zayn. Zayn kicks out. The Usos try the 1D, but Owens pulls Jimmy out of the ring.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (3/31/23)

Zayn sunset flips Jey. Owens holds Jimmy, but Jey kicks out at 2.9. Owens tries to powerbomb Jimmy through the announce desk. Jey makes the save. Jey and Jimmy slam Owens through the announce desk. Jimmy and Jey drop Zayn with the 1D. Zayn kicks out. Jey badmouths Zayn before laying in a few punches. Jey crushes Zayn with a Helluva Kick. Jey holds Zayn up and yells at him about leaving the Bloodline.

Zayn surprises Jey with a corner exploder. Zayn manages to tag in Owens. Owens drops both Usos with Pop-Up Powerbombs. Zayn Helluva Kicks Jimmy. Owens levels Jey with a Stunner. Jey kicks out. Owens helps Zayn up, and both Usos get to their feet. A four-way brawl breaks out. Owens eats a series of superkicks. Zayn gets superkicked off the apron. Both Usos land Uso Splashes at the same time. Owens somehow kicks out.

The Usos land another double superkick to Owens. The Usos set up the Super 1D. Zayn pulls Jimmy out of the ring. Owens hits a fisherman’s buster off the top. Jey hits the mat with a thud and crawls to the corner. Owens tags in Zayn. Zayn hits two Helluva Kicks to Jey in a row. Jimmy tries to make the save, but Owens cuts him off and hits a Stunner. Zayn lands the third Helluva Kick for the win!

Winners and NEW Undisputed Tag Team Champions, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn!

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