NXT Stand and Deliver
Photo Credit: WWE

WWE NXT Stand And Deliver Triple Threat Tag Team Title Result

Gallus retained the NXT Tag Team Titles at WWE NXT Stand and Deliver.

A timely return of Gallus member Joe Coffey helped the team retain the titles.

This is the first time we’ve seen Coffey on NXT programming in many months. His return came at a perfect moment for Gallus at WWE NXT Stand and Deliver

Check out a recap of the match from our live coverage page below:

Quick tags abound as everyone lands a big move right out the gate. Julius sends both members of Gallus out of the ring. Deadlift body slam by Julius. D’Angelo picks up Julius and sends him spinning in mid-air. I have no idea what that call that move. Suplex/neck breaker combo by D’Angelo and Stacks. The Creeds pull down their straps and hit a combo butterfly facebuster on the floor to Coffy. Gallus isolates Brutus and D’Angelo. Wolfgang and Coffy work over both men. Julius manages to get the tag and clears the ring.

Stacks attacks him from behind. Stacks is everywhere, sending Wolfgang into the ring steps and taking Coffy out with a boot. Julius picks up Coffy and Stacks on his shoulders at the same time. Brutus dives off the top and hits a Brutus ball (barely, but enough to knock over the pile). D’Angelo surprises Julius with his finish. Stacks lands a splash. Coffy breaks up the pin. D’Angelo and Stacks hit Badabang. Joe Coffy hops the barricade and pulls Stacks off the pin. Gallus hits their finish on Stacks for the win.

Winners and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions, Gallus!

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