WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (5/30/23): Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne, Mystery Attacker Revealed

In-Ring Segment: Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams

Williams hypes up NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes’ win at NXT Battleground. Hayes shares his thoughts on the victory. The champion says he never misses, and his win was another brick in the foundation he’s laying. Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar interrupts and brags about his win at NXT Battleground. Williams says interrupting them is a “super no-no.” Hayes tells Dar he might be on a high level, but “Melo” is on the highest level. Hayes says Dar can’t beat him. Dar tells Hayes to step up and put the title on the line against him. He says Hayes doesn’t have what it takes to compete at the highest level. Hayes accepts the challenge.

Backstage, Cora Jade says she would be the champion if Lya Valkyria hadn’t headbutted her and blinded her. She says she deserves to be the champion, but everyone screwed her over. Ivy Nile confronts her and says everyone is tired of her whining. Jade takes a shot at The Creed Brothers losing at NXT Battleground, and Nile fires back by wondering where Jade was on Sunday.

SCRYPTS approaches Axiom backstage. Axiom calls him Reggie, who notes that his people used to call him SCRYPTS. He says Axiom opened his eyes by unmasking him, and now he’s living in the sunlight.

The Dyad (Jagger Reid and Rip Fowler) (with Ava) vs. Wes Lee and Tyler Bate

The Dyad briefly gains the upper hand. Wes Lee hits a sunset flip on Fowler. The champion evades a slam and takes Fowler down with a headscissors takedown. Fowler sends Bate crashing into Lee. The Dyad tries to double-team Bate, but he lures them into a dive by Lee. Lee and Bate square off with The Dyad, as the match is a stalemate. The crowd cheers, and the reason becomes clear as Mustafa Ali is standing in the crowd. He joins the commentary team. Bate fights out of a double suplex and takes both of his opponents down with a hurricanrana. Lee tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. Fowler chops Lee in the throat.

Lee drops both members of The Dyad with a double Cardiac Kick. Bate and Lee dive onto their opponents at the same time. Lee dives onto Fowler on the outside. Bate gets the win with the Tiger Driver 97.

Winners: Tyler Bate and Wes Lee

Ivy Nile attacks Ava after the match. The Creed Brothers get involved, and they brawl with The Dyad. Joe Gacy attacks Lee, and Mustafa Ali makes the save.

Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey teach a class at Chase U. Thea Hail watches on, and she makes it clear that she’s determined to prove that she’s not weak. She gets in the ring, and Dempsey tells her not to cry. Hail squares off with Dempsey.

In-Ring Segment: NXT Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton

Stratton celebrates her title win and says she’s the epitome of a WWE Superstar. She calls out the entire women’s division and says she’ll reveal who her first opponent will be. She runs down the division and says none of them can beat her, so she might as well retire. Stratton announces that, next week, a battle royal will determine her first challenge. She says that it will be “Tiffy Time” as long as she wants. Some of the contenders attack Stratton, and they drive her out of the ring.

Backstage, Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson, and Oro Mensah confront Trick Williams. They discuss the title match between Noam Dar and Carmelo Hayes, and Williams says he’ll be watching them.

Dani Palmer comes to the ring and demands to know who the mystery attacker is. The video screen shows recaps of the series of attacks. The mysterious individual attacks Palmer and reveals herself as Blair Davenport. She leaves Palmer lying with a stiff strike and stands tall.

Damon Kemp confronts Eddy Thorpe and mocks him for his loss to Tyler Bate last week. Tensions rise, and they have to be separated.

Joe Coffey vs. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo

Lorenzo charges Coffey and gains an early advantage. “Stacks” controls the action early on. Coffey fires back with a hip toss. Coffey squashes a rally from “Stacks” with a slam. Lorenzo sends Coffey to the outside with a dropkick. Back in the ring, Coffey sends “Stacks” hard into the ropes. Lorenzo fires back, and both men are down. “Stacks” rallies and drops Coffey with a neckbreaker. Lorenzo goes for a clothesline over the ropes, and he lands hard on the floor. He charges Coffey, but the Gallus member moves, sending “Stacks” into the steel steps. Coffey hits the Glasgow Sendoff and a vicious lariat for the win.

Winner: Joe Coffey

A video package highlights Ilja Dragunov’s win over Dijak at NXT Battleground. The broadcast team announces that Dragunov will return next week.

Cora Jade vs. Ivy Nile

Jade and Nile feel each other out. Jade slams Nile to the mat by her hair and takes control of the bout. She ties Nile up in the ropes and chops her. Jade gets a two count with a dropkick. Nile gets a two count with a roll-up. She drills Jade with a kick in the corner. Jade again rips Nile down by her hair. Ava comes down and distracts Nile. Jade takes advantage and spikes Nile with the Jaded DDT for the win.

Winner: Cora Jade

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger bond after their match last week. Malik Blade and Edris Enofe show up and tell them it takes longer than one match to bond. They try to showcase their own closeness as a team, but they give different answers. They tease having a match with each other like Walker and Ledger.

Backstage, Ivy Nile challenges Ava to a match next week. The Creed Brothers also challenge The Dyad to a match, and officials have to separate the two teams.

NXT Championship: Carmelo Hayes (c) (with Trick Williams) vs. Noam Dar (with Lash Legend, Oro Mensah, and Jakara Jackson)

Hayes and Dar feel each other out early on, and the match is a stalemate. A stiff shot from Hayes sends Dar to the outside, and he regroups with his entourage. Back in the ring, Hayes gains the upper hand. Dar tips the momentum in his favor and grounds Hayes. Dar gets a two count with a double underhook suplex. Both men are down after they trade blows. Dar’s entourage hypes him up. Hayes slams Dar to the mat for a two count. Legend and Jakara get in Williams’ face, and he drops Mensah. Williams gets ejected. Hayes rolls Dar up for a two count. The champion locks in a crossface, but Dar reaches the ropes. Dragon Lee and Nathan Frazer come down and stop Mensah from interfering. Hayes rolls Dar back in the ring and hits Nothing but Net for the win.

Winner and still NXT Champion: Carmelo Hayes

Hayes celebrates his win after the match. Baron Corbin blindsides him with a vicious attack.

Corbin slams Hayes to the mat and poses with the NXT Championship.

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