MLW Fusion

MLW Fusion Results – June 8, 2023: John Hennigan Defends Against Willie Mack

MLW Fusion Results – June 8, 2023

This week’s episode of MLW Fusion kicked off with a match from their women’s division.

Delmi Exo defeated B3CCA

  • Delmi Exo hit a package piledriver on B3CCA to score the pinfall victory.

It’s announced that Lince Dorado will defend the MLW World Middleweight Championship next week in a triple threat match against Lio Rush and AKIRA.

A video package plays for the Mane Event, a rising tag team on the Major League Wrestling roster.

Willie Mack is interviewed backstage ahead of his title match with John Hennigan later on in the evening. When asked what his strategy is going into the match, Mack said even if he had a strategy, he wouldn’t tell her. He doesn’t want to give up all of the secrets. Mack said Hennigan better watch out tonight because he’s about to become the new MLW National Openweight Champion.

1 Called Manders defeated Yoscifer El

  • 1 Called Manders hits Yoscifer El with a lariat to pick up the win.

We hear from Alex Kane, who calls out Court Bauer for continually trying to stack the deck against him. Kane said that regardless of what Bauer tries to do to him, he manages to succeed every time. Kane said The Bomaye Fight Club is for the people, and the club is about to bring a revolution to Major League Wrestling.

It’s announced that Taya Valkyrie will defend her championship against Demli Exo on MLW Fusion next week.

We hear from Taya Valkyrie, who called herself the longest-reigning MLW World Women’s Featherweight Champion in the history of the company. Valkyrie said that Exo has no chance of defeating her next week.

The latest match is announced for Never Say Never as Timothy Thatcher will take on “Hot Sauce” Tracey Williams.

It’s announced that they’ll have a health update on Jacob Fatu next week.

John Hennigan (w/ Taya Valkyrie and Sam Adonis) defeated Willie Mack to retain the MLW National Openweight Championship

  • While the referee had his back turned, Taya Valkyrie hit Willie Mack in the back of the head with her championship, which allowed John Hennigan to score the pinfall and retain his title.

They go to MLW World Heavyweight Champion Alex Hammerstone, who cuts a promo on Alex Kane and says he’s ducking him. This promo makes no sense whatsoever based on what has transpired over the last several weeks on this very program, as the title match between them at Never Say Never has been announced for weeks at this point. And with that, MLW Fusion goes off the air.

READ MORE: Microman To Compete In Trios Match At 7/8 MLW Fusion Taping

What did you think of this week’s episode of MLW Fusion? What was your favorite match or segment? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.