erick redbeard
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Erick Redbeard Reflects Upon His Time Working On ‘I Think You Should Leave’

Erick Redbeard had a blast playing his role on the Netflix show I Think You Should Leave.

Former WWE Superstar Erick Redbeard recently sat down with Wrestling Headlines to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about recently working on the hit Netflix show I Think You Should Leave, Redbeard admitted he didn’t know much about the show at first and studied up on it before his audition and loved how outrageous the show was.

“So I didn’t know much about the show and I got an audition and it was for earlier in the third season. I like everything,” Erick Redbeard said. “If I get an audition for something, I watch the person’s work cause I want to know who or what they do. I want to get the tone of what they do, how outrageous things are. And this show, it’s outrageous.

“And then I got this audition for a wrestler and I’ve always tried to like stay away from doing typecast. I’m gonna be the wrestler, but I mean the show’s so crazy and wacky. Like if you watch it, you know, you get to definitely see a completely different side of me than you probably ever seen.”

Redbeard said he loves acting because he can play different kinds of characters that wrestling fans wouldn’t expect him to play.

“Doing stuff like that, it’s fun. That’s what I love most about acting,” Erick Redbeard admitted. “I can play all different types of characters that are not my wrestling character and you know, it’s great. It’s fun. Like, I love it, I love tapping into the emotional side of like roles. But like when these comedies happen…you can ask my daughter, my wife will tell you…I’m a dork. We’re doing all these weird things at home. I’m like, well what’s the difference that the world sees it?”

When asked what kind of role he’d like to play next, Redbeard said he’s a big fan of independent directors who 100% bet on themselves.

“So, I’ve always strived to just do everything one step at a time,” Erick Redbeard said. “I’m not trying to, you know, be like, I wanna be a lead Marvel character or something. Sure. I just want a chance to show awesome creative characters and whether it be those independent films that are put down on Tribeca or Sundance, you know, very character driven dramas.

“I’m a big fan of those directors that basically bet 100% on themselves. It’s a small crew, small budget, but sometimes, those movies get wide acclaim and make tons of money and it’s all because everyone behind it takes pay cuts to just create this masterpiece.

“But I take everything one step at a time. You try to go from like a guest star to a recurring, to a series regular, to a supporting, to a supporting lead and then eventually everybody wants, like WWE, everybody wants to be the main event the lead.”

READ MORE: Erick Redbeard: Signing With AEW Was Never A Conversation, Not Something I Wanted At The Time

What do you make of Erick Redbeard’s comments? What acting role do you think would be perfect for the former WWE Superstar? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.