AEW Forbidden Door
Image Credit: AEW

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door Results (6/25): Danielson vs. Okada, Omega vs. Ospreay

All Elite Wrestling and New Japan Pro-Wrestling teamed up for the Forbidden Door pay-per-view on June 25.

Among other matches, Bryan Danielson faced Kazuchika Okada, and Kenny Omega clashed with Will Ospreay.

The results are as follows:

Zero Hour

Mogul Embassy (Swerve Strickland, Bishop Kaun, & Toa Liona) (with Prince Nana) vs. CHAOS (Rocky Romero, Trent, & El Desperado)

Kaun and Romero square off and feel each other out. Beretta tags in, and the match quickly breaks down as both teams enter the ring. Romeero dives onto Cage. Desperado dives onto Strickland. Beretta dives onto Kaun and Liona as CHAOS takes control. Back in the ring, Liona floors Beretta with a Samoan drop. He sends Trent to the outside. Kaun levels Beretta with a clothesline. Kaun grounds Beretta, and the Mogul Embassy continues to isolate him. Strickland drops Beretta with a suplex. Beretta tries to rally, and Cage slams him on the apron. Beretta gains some breathing room, but his partners get pulled off the apron. Strickland nails Trent with an uppercut.

Mogul Embassy continues to dominate. Desperado tags in and takes the fight to Strickland. He slams him with spinebuster and kicks Cage. Desperado slams Strickland with a back suplex. CHAOS hugs, but Mogul Embassy breaks it up. Romero breaks up a pin attempt after Desperado gets kicked.

Kaun takes Romero down with a gut-buster. Liona levels Taylor with a shoulder tackle. Trent floors Liona with a DDT but gets slammed by Cage. Strickland kicks Romero but collides with Cage. Cage accidentally clotheslines Swerve. The Best Friends hit Storm Zero for a near fall. Cage catches Romero and double-teams him with Swerve. Strickland hits the Swerve Stomp for the win.

Winners: Mogul Embassy (Swerve Strickland, Bishop Kaun, & Toa Liona) (with Prince Nana)

A video package highlights the match between Kenny Omega and Will Ospreay.

Owen Hart Foundation Cup Women’s Tournament Quarterfinal Match: Athena vs. Billie Starkz

Starkz takes Athena down and catches her with some kicks. Athena rocks Starkz with a stiff strike. Billie hits a neckbreaker for a two count. Athena sends Billie face-first into the turnbuckle. Athena plants Starkz with a suplex. She slams Starkz by the hair and maintains the advantage. Starkz counters the O-Face and hits a Death Valley Bomb for a two count. Athena trips Billie up on the top rope. Athena hits a hurricanrana off the rop rope, a powerbomb, and a superkick for a two count. Athena drops Starkz with multiple dropkicks. Starkz dodges a standing moonsault. Starkz goes for a senton off the top, but Athena moves, so Billie crashes onto the apron. Athena lifts Starkz and kicks her for the win.

Winner: Athena

A video package highlights Bryan Danielson’s match with Kazuchika Okada.

El Phantasmo vs. Stu Grayson (with The Righteous)

Grayson takes the fight to Phantasmo. The NJPW fires back. They trade blows. Phantasmo twists Grayson’s nipples. Stu hits a rolling senton on the apron. Phantasmo drives Grayson into the barricade with a dive to the outside. He hits a senton and a Lionsault for a two count. Phantasmo hits a super hurricanrana and a splash for a two count.

Grayson hits a 450 Splash for a two count. Phantasmo hits a DDT and slams Grayson for the win.

Winner: El Phantasmo

A video package highlights the match between MJF and Hiroshi Tanahashi.

United Empire (Jeff Cobb, Kyle Fletcher, & TJP) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Hiromu Takahashi, Shingo Takagi, & BUSHI)

United Empire attacks LIJ during their entrance to gain an early advantage. They isolate BUSHI, and Cobb hits a standing moonsault. BUSHI drops Cobb with a kick to the leg. Takahashi tags in and drops Cobb with a hurricanrana. Takahashi takes out United Empire with a flurry of offense. He kicks Cobb’s knee. Cobb sends Takahashi flying with a suplex. Takagi and Fletcher trade blows. TJP tags in and hits a diving forearm. United Empire gangs up on Takagi. Takagi slams TJP with a Death Valley Driver. Cobb breaks up a pin, but Takahashi dumps him over the ropes.

BUSHI dives onto Fletcher at ringside. Takagi pins TJP with the Made in Japan.

Winners: Los Ingobernables de Japon (Hiromu Takahashi, Shingo Takagi, & BUSHI)

Main Show

AEW World Championship: MJF (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi

MJF comes to the ring wearing a robe that says “New Japan is an indie” on it. The bell rings, and MJF mocks Tanahashi’s air guitar taunt. They lock up, and MJF drops to the ground, as Tanahashi wins the first exchange. MJF mocks Tanahashi’s air guitar again. Tanahashi sends MJF to the outside with a shoulder block. MJF walks up the ramp, and Tanahashi gets a “coward” chant going. MJF comes back to the ring and offers Tanahashi a handshake. They shake hands, and MJF goes for a kick. Tanahashi catches it and rocks MJF with a shot to the face. MJF pulls the referee in front of him and pulls Tanahashi into the turnbuckle.

MJF dumps Tanahashi on the ropes with a suplex. He maintains the advantage and flips off the crowd. MJF locks in an abdominal stretch and uses the ropes for extra leverage. Tanahashi breaks it up with a hip toss. Tanahashi hits some strikes and drops MJF with an elbow strike. The challenger gets a two count with a senton. Tanahashi hits a diving crossbody. MJF goes up top, ad Tanahashi takes him down with a slam. Tanahashi drops him with a slingblade. MJF crotches Tanahashi on the ropes. MJF hits a superplex, and both men are down. Tanahashi counters the Heatseeker. MJF hits a shoulder-breaker, but the impact seemingly hurts his knee. MJF talks trash and tells Tanahashi he’s a joke.

Tanahashi fires up, but MJF pokes him in the crowd. Tanahashi hits a Dragon Screw and locks in a modified Sharpshooter, but MJF reaches the ropes. Tanahashi hits a twisting neckbreaker and drops MJF with a slingblade. MJF gets his knees up on a frog splash attempt, but the impact hurts the champion. MJF goes to use his title, but the referee stops him. Tanahashi rolls MJF up for a near fall. Tanahashi argues with the referee, and they collide due to a push by MJF. MJF hits Tanahashi with the Dynamite Diamond Ring and pins him for the win.

Winner and still AEW World Champion: MJF

Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament: CM Punk vs. Satoshi Kojima

Punk and Kojima lock up and feel each other out. Kojima drills Punk with stiff strikes and hits a hip toss. Punk and Tanahashi take turns popping their pecs. The two competitors wage war at ringside, as Kojima sends Punk over the barricade with a chop. Kojima sweeps Punk on the apron and controls the action. Punk and Kojima trade blows. Punk punches Kojima in the corner and kicks his leg. He grounds the veteran and mocks Kojima by yelling his name. Kojima fires up with a series of strikes and goes low with a diving elbow. Punk hits a diving elbow for a two count. He locks in the Anaconda Vise, but Kojima fights out of it. Kojima rocks Punk with more stiff blows and hits a cutter. Punk gets a two count with a neckbreaker.

Punk goes for the GTS, but Kojima counters and hits a brainbuster for a two count. Punk rocks Kojima with a kick and pins him with the GTS.

Winner: CM Punk

A video announces that AEW All Out will be held on September 3 at the United Center in Chciago.

AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Daniel Garcia vs. Katsuyori Shibata vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

The four competitors trade blows, and the action is fast and furious. The competitors trade suplexes and brainbusters. Cassidy drops Garcia with a spinning DDT. Sabre Jr. targets Cassidy’s shoulder. Garcia gets a two count on Shibata after he hits him with the ROH Pure Championship as they’re left alone in the ring. Shibata nails Garcia with a flurry of strikes. Cassidy and Shibata sit across from each other in the ring and trade blows. Shibata takes an Orange Punch and fires back with stiff elbow. Cassidy hits a Beach Break for a two count. Sabre Jr. targets Cassidy’s hand and counters the Seat Belt into a submission.

Garcia squares off with Sabre Jr. and gets a two count with a backslide. Shibata rocks Garcia with a kick after Garcia drops Sabre Jr. with a piledriver. Cassidy sneaks in and pins Garcia with the seatbelt.

Winner and still AEW Interational Champion: Orange Cassidy

After the match, Sabre Jr. confronts Cassidy and says they’re not done. He says, “Next time.” Shibata and Cassidy are left alone in the ring, and they shake hands.

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door Results Continue On The Next Page!

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