adam cole
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Adam Cole: ROH Has Helped Evolve What Modern Pro Wrestling Is Today

Adam Cole doesn’t think he would have made it to WWE or All Elite Wrestling without spending time in Ring of Honor first.

All Elite Wrestling‘s Adam Cole was a recent guest on Superstar Crossover to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about the importance Ring of Honor has had on the evolution of professional wrestling, Cole said he believes ROH is the most important company that’s helped evolve the industry to what it is today.

“Oh my god, yeah. To me, I think Ring of Honor may be the most important company that has helped evolve what modern pro wrestling is today,” Adam Cole said. “Seriously, when you look at all the talent that came from Ring of Honor: Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe, The Briscoes, AJ Styles, The Young Bucks, I mean the list goes on and on and on of these guys who have come through Ring of Honor in some capacity.

“And also the style of wrestling that kind of started to transcend and move forward a little bit into the casual wrestling audience, and what they liked in wrestling matches was huge. Again, these were guys who not all of us are 6’4” 265 pounds. A lot of us had this certain style of pro wrestling that we really wanted to showcase, and the athleticism was huge. The hard-hitting style was huge. The crazy passionate fan base was really important.

“So to this day, I spent seven years in Ring of Honor, and my first wrestling contract ever was with ROH, so there is no doubt in my mind I would have not gone to NXT, would have not gone to New Japan Pro-Wrestling, I might not be an AEW if it wasn’t for my time in ROH. And that’s just for me personally, and I think a bunch of guys can say the same thing. So ROH, incredibly important in the modern era of wrestling that we’re in, and the history is incredibly important.”

READ MORE: Adam Cole Knew MJF Was Super Talented From The Moment He Saw Him

What do you make of Adam Cole’s comments? Do you credit Ring of Honor for the evolution of professional wrestling that we see today? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

If you use any of the quotes above, please credit Superstar Crossover with a link back to this article for the transcription.