back to the future booker t brad gilmore

Which Back To The Future Quote Would Booker T Adopt As His Own Catchphrase?

Let’s go Book to the future.

Booker T’s Hall Of Fame podcast co-host, Brad Gilmore, is a huge Back To The Future fan. He’s written a book about the series, and he also has a podcast looking back at the best time-traveling trilogy of all time. So… has that appreciation for Marty McFly and Doc Brown’s adventures shared by Booker T too?

Gilmore: “Booker is a huge movie buff. I think that a lot of people might be surprised about that. Some of his most iconic lines and phrases have been ripped off of the silver screen and repurposed and almost now reattributed to him in a lot of ways. But as far as Back to the Future goes, Booker is a Back to the Future fan. That wasn’t something I had to even coach him on or push him toward. He’s you’ve always been a Back to the Future fan.”

Booker: “But just not as much as Brad. Brad’s a geek.”

Gilmore: “I’ll own that 100%. I will own that. Book’s definitely a huge movie buff, and I think that’s one of the reasons that Booker and I are kind of so good together in a lot of ways, even though on paper, you might think that we come from completely different worlds. But we like the same music, a lot of the times we like the same movie. A lot of the times we have same interests outside of pro wrestling, which is what brought us together. So yeah, he’s a big movie buff.”

“Oh, this is heavy, Doc!”

Some of Booker T’s biggest catchphrases came from movies. His “Can you dig it?’ comes from Shaft, as he was a huge Richard Roundtree fan. Is there a line from Back To The Future that either one could see Booker adopting as his own?

Gilmore: “My favorite line isn’t anything Booker would ever say. But my favorite line from Back to the Future is in [the first film], they’re at the dinner table in 1955. Marty’s future grandfather says, ‘He’s an idiot. It comes from upbringing. His parents are probably idiots too.’ Which is like my favorite line from the whole movie. But I don’t know, I’d have to think to think about it.

Booker: “That’s a [Jerry] Lawler line.” [laughs]

Gilmore: That’s a [Jerry] Lawler line. That doesn’t really fit Book’s modus operandi. I’d have to think on that one of a really good one that he could use. You could use ‘This is heavy.’ You could drop a ‘Great Scott’ on commentary.”

Booker: “Oh yeah, I could do a ‘Great Scott’. I’m using that.”

Now, why don’t you make like a tree and get out of here? (Or check out our full interview below!)