Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

MJF Is More Batman Than Superman: He’s Not Perfect And Everyone Can Relate To It

MJF would rather be like Bruce Wayne’s alter ego than a squeaky clean babyface like Clark Kent.

GQ recently spoke with MJF, who spoke about the way he’s been able to transition from heel to babyface. The AEW World Champion is doing things like the Kangaroo Kick and Double Clothesline that he knows fans can’t help but cheer for. These moves are also just as effective, and not as high-risk, as some other competitors.

“There’s a level between being able to put your hands up like two kangaroo paws and a crowd literally freaks out and screams at the top of their lungs,” he explained. “Other guys have to do something like a reverse hurricanrana off the top rope to the floor to elicit the same noise level. That’s the difference between me and everybody else.”

His current AEW run sees MJF as more of a tweener, and he says it’s a role that resonates more with fans. MJF says Batman is more popular in film because he deals with plenty of conflict, and that’s something fans can relate to.

“Nobody wants to cheer for a dude who’s squeaky clean,” he says. “I think there’s a reason why Superman movies have almost never hit, bro. I love Superman, but Batman‘s where it’s at because Batman’s more interesting. There’s more depth there. The guy’s not perfect, and that’s something that everyone can relate to.”

Read More: MJF: Wrestling Went South For A While, I’m Bringing Back A Flavor Of Ice Cream I Love


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