Kayla Braxton WWE
Image Credit: WWE

Kayla Braxton Doesn’t Think Commentary Will Be Her Route In WWE

Don’t expect to see Kayla Braxton calling the action at the broadcast table anytime soon.

In recent years, Kayla Braxton has worked in various roles in WWE. She has been an interviewer, correspondent, host, and she previously hosted WWE’s The Bump.

Speaking on Busted Open Radio, Kayla Braxton was asked to describe what there is left to do for her in WWE. Braxton noted that the company has talked to her about commentary, but she doesn’t expect to go that route. She also named some of her other goals. (H/t Andrew Thompson of POST Wrestling for the transcription)  

“I’ve done a lot (in WWE). I’ve thought about that,” Kayla Braxton said. “They’ve talked to me about being on the commentary desk. I give so much kudos to commentators. That is a difficult, difficult job. I remember talking to Renee Paquette when she was doing it. Talk about a talented woman who could do pretty much anything under the sun.

“But it’s difficult, so I don’t think that’s gonna be my route… I’ve stepped down from hosting The Bump. I would like to look at some new potential shows to do. I live in L.A. with the intention of getting some more pop culture crossover here in WWE, potentially with podcasts. We’ll see, but no, I will not be wrestling anybody in the ring… Never gonna happen.”

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