cody rhodes
Photo Credit: WWE

Cody Rhodes Took The Heat For His Opponent Protecting His Baldness (And It’s Definitely Not Matt Cardona)

Cody Rhodes is one of the top talents in WWE and the whole of professional wrestling. The American Nightmare has been in the business for nearly two decades. So, of course, he has a lot of tales to share.

The American Nightmare was the most recent guest on the Gabby AF podcast. During the show, the pair spoke about wrestler’s tans and how sometimes they are a bit overboard. Matt Cardona’s name came up during the conversation. Cody then shared a story about taking the blame for a mistake by an opponent (who is definitely not Matt Cardona) and his hair product.

“Well, I’m not gonna say I’m talking about Matt Cardona. So we’ll just say a person I wrestled once when I was still Stardust. It wasn’t tan. This individual who isn’t Matt Cardona, he had topics in his hair that adds some hair fibers to it that if you got a spot or something it helps a little bit. I don’t know, but this individual fell to the mat and there was this big, greasy black spot.

“And when we came back through Gorilla, I got chastised. I got scolded because, ‘Hey, we cannot have Stardust out there if the paint on his face isn’t dry. Look at the mat. We had to change the canvas.’ And changing a canvas at a show, especially when I was on the executive side of things, I learned how much those canvases cost, how difficult they are to change, how many you need for a show. So yeah, they put the heat on me for an individual who was protecting his baldness. And I kept the ruse up. I said sorry,” Cody Rhodes said.

Cody Rhodes explains why it is important to put the heat on yourself

During the interview, Cody Rhodes shared the reason why it is important for wrestlers to always take heat upon themselves. He claims it is better to take the heat rather than to make excuses.

“Wrestling 101 is always put the heat on yourself. Always. Because there are guys who would come through the curtain before their opponent or something like that and they’ll start in on something that may have gone wrong, or what happened, this and that… That’s… That what it looks like is you’re making excuses, versus if there’s ever something that needs to be discussed, I usually start by putting the heat on myself. ‘Was I not in the right spot?Was…’ I usually… Because then somebody will figure it out. Plus, all of us watching, already know what happened. We already know. Except this one instance with the Topic and the bald individual but… yea, put the heat on yourself.”

What is your reaction to this Cody Rhodes story?