nick wayne
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Nick Wayne Believes He’s Honoring His Father With Current AEW Storyline

Nick Wayne is carrying on his father’s legacy as a member of the All Elite Wrestling roster.

All Elite Wrestling’s Nick Wayne was a recent guest on Busted Open Radio. When asked if it’s been difficult for him to take part in the current storyline they’re running on AEW programming, Wayne said he wouldn’t call it difficult but understands why it’s a touchy subject.

“I wouldn’t say difficult, but it’s definitely a touchy subject,” Nick Wayne admitted. “So to put it out there and present it to the real world and kind of give them all the details and all the feelings about a real-life tragic situation.

“Sometimes you don’t know what is too far and what is like, do you really tell them everything? But everything that we’ve said and done has been like a complete, 100% true story. So it’s kind of just held nothing back. It’s just what is presented on TV is the full real story and full real feelings and affections.”

When asked if he believes he’s honoring his father with this angle, Wayne believes he is and said that was his goal from the beginning.

“Very much so,” Nick Wayne said. “That is kind of my goal and a lot of people have told me that were close to my dad. They’re like, I feel like this is an amazing thing that you get to present your father in his story on a national televised level even without him being here. So yes, exactly what you said is exactly what I’m trying to do.”

Nick Wayne’s mother has become a character on AEW programming

When asked how his mom feels about this playing out on television, Wayne said she’s okay with it because she saw it coming.

“So I had a feeling because before I made my debut, we made these video packages before at the wrestling school, so I think she knew that the story would kind of play out and become like a main persona, I guess you could say of mine,” Nick Wayne said. “Or like a big thing that would be out there to the public.

“And she was okay with it because I think she saw it coming. But getting her involved with it and then all this stuff with Christian and Darby, I don’t think any of us knew that would happen. But everything we’ve been doing she’s cool with, she’s on board with. And I think everyone else thinks she’s doing great with it.”

READ MORE: Nick Wayne: Working With Legends Like Sting Blows My Mind

What do you make of Nick Wayne’s comments? Are you enjoying his current storyline on AEW programming? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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