UFC’s Shane Carwin Blogs on “The Paul Heyman Difference”

UFC Heavyweight Shane Carwin shed some more onto the Paul Heyman – UFC Story by posting a very interesting blog regarding working with the former ECW Owner and WWE Smackdown lead writer over the weekend.

On his Fan Community message board, Carwin wrote:

"UFC had already had a production crew gome to my home to get the footage for the Countdown Show.  When the fight changed a lot of the questions needed to be re-done.  Paul was already hired to do the Lesnar side of the Countdown show.  So when the fight changed they asked Paul to come re-do my questions.

Paul arrived the night before and we grabbed dinner and he went over his plans and ideas.  He said he was given about 12 questions that he was just going to toss out.  He wanted to capture me and my thoughts on the fight.  The type of questions that he tossed out were ones like "how did you feel when you got the call".  

I would say the key difference of what Paul brought to the table vs the previous producers is that he understands the entertainment value and ask questions that illicit good responses.  I have been called "boring" in the past but the reality is when you are interviewed by people that do not fully understand the sport or how to extract the right information to sell the event.  

I do not lead interviews so if the media is not sure of how to extract the right information I can come off "boring".  That would be the Heyman difference.  Paul was able to let me be me, left the stupid questions out and we got into some good stuff.  I think this is going to make for a great Countdown Show."

There’s more, in case you are interested.

You can read the entire blog at http://www.shane-carwin.com/profiles/blogs/the-heyman-hustle

You can also follow Shane Carwin on Twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/ShaneCarwin