WWE Raw Results (5/16): Over The Limit Hype, Cena/Miz!

After the match, Del Rio sends Rey shoulder first into the ring post. He follows that with an elbow drop from the turnbuckles. Alberto tries to take off the mask again before leaving the ring.

R Truth comes to the ring and he hits Rey from behind and he kicks Rey in the shoulder and then he punches Rey. Truth waits for Rey to get to his feet and he hits What’s Up on Rey.

Truth gets a mic and he asks Rey what is he doing and who does he think he is. To challenge Truth. Truth says that no one challenges him because he makes the challenges. Just like he showed Rey tonight, on Sunday, he tells Rey that he’s gonna get got. Truth punches Rey. Truth kicks Rey since nobody is coming to Rey’s aid.

CM Punk and Mason Ryan are being recruited for something, maybe the match against John Cena.

We are back and Did You Know that a lot of people go to WWE shows.

It is time for the official contract signing and Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Jack Swagger are in the ring. Cole reclines in his chair and he welcomes everyone. Cole says that Lawler cannot let things go and he had to make the challenge for this match. Cole says that the contract will not become official until he signs the contract. He wants Lawler to remind everyone what he said last week.

Lawler says that Cole never beat him legitimately, but if Cole wins on Sunday, Lawler will give Cole his Hall of Fame ring and if it ever happened, Lawler would personally induct Cole into the Hall of Fame.

Cole signs the contract and he is happy. Lawler signs as well and the match that has been announced, is official.

Cole says that he believes in full disclosure and he says that Lawler did not read the contract. The match is not going to be an ordinary match, it will be a Kiss My Foot Match. Cole tells Lawler that Jerry will do what Good Ole JR did last month. We go to the footage.

Cole chuckles at what we just saw. Cole points out that JR is the only person to kiss Vince McMahon’s rear end and Michael Cole’s foot. Cole says that he made this match because he wanted Lawler to feel comfortable. Cole reminds Lawler that he was in a Kiss My Foot Match before. We go back to 1995 when Jerry Lawler had to kiss Bret Hart’s foot.

Cole wants Jerry to look at what he will be kissing on Sunday and it has the same fungus, plus some other substances that might be organic.

Jerry Lawler tells Cole that he is no Bret Hart. He says that Cole isn’t even a Jack Swagger. Lawler says that he doesn’t like Swagger, but he respects what Swagger can do in the ring because he is a former World Champion. He says that Cole should be proud because he turned a former World Champion into a side kick.

Cole says that nobody remembers Swagger being a World Champion and people say that Swagger is best known for being his side kick. He says that the only reason why Swagger was on Wrestlemania was because he was Cole’s side kick.

Jack doesn’t appreciate what Cole said and he tells Lawler to have fun because he is done with Cole.

Cole tries to apologize as Swagger walks away.

Lawler has a smile on his face and Cole tries to suck up to Lawler. Cole says that everyone knows that was a joke. Cole reminds Lawler that they have known each other for fourteen years. He tries to weasel out of the match, but Lawler tells Cole to stuff it. Lawler grabs Cole by his tie and he tells Cole that he has been putting his foot in his mouth for years and now Lawler will put his foot in Cole’s mouth and Michael will kiss it.

Miz is now talking to Kane and Big Show stops by. Kane and Big Show walk into a commercial.

We find out that ShowKane will be defending the tag titles against Mason Ryan and CM Punk at Over the Limit.