TNA Sacrifice PPV Results – May 15, 2011

TNA Sacrifice 2011

Report by Matt Boone for

TNA Sacrifice Opener:

The PPV opens with a video package that features Sting and Rob Van Dam training as a song played. It also shows them in the ring. Mike Tenay and Taz introduce us to the show on commentary.

Mexican America (with Sarita, Rosita) vs. Ink Inc.

Jackson James will be the referee. Jesse Neal carried the American flag to the ring. The crowd chants “USA”. The action is back and forth in the early goings. The heels get help from the ladies outside the ring and they take advantage of the match for a while. The match ends when Hernandez hits a new slam-finisher on Neal for the clean pinfall victory.

Winners: Mexican America

At Ringside: Taz & Mike Tenay

Tenay and Taz check in on commentary to remind us that this is the first pay-per view of the “Impact Wrestling” era. They preview more of tonight’s scheduled action. They are then interupted by Jeff Jarrett’s entrance music.

In The Ring: Jeff Jarrett, Karen Angle & Mick Foley

Jarrett and Karen Angle make their way on to the stage. Angle is limping. She’s got on a walking boot and crutches. Jarrett helps her into the ring. Jarrett claims an MRI reveals that Karen has a grade-3 sprain and her ankle is broken in two places. Jarrett claims they can’t compete in the tag-match as a result. As they attempt to exit the ring, Mick Foley’s music hits. Foley enters the ring and says he saw the MRI and made a joke about how it was a fraud. Karen now claims she has nothing to wear for the match tonight. Foley says he had Miss Jolene make her an outfit so she could face Chyna. The fans chant for Chyna. Foley heads to the back as Karen takes off her walking boot and throws it at him as he leaves.

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