Spoiler: Must-Read Blog Looks at Outcry of Christian Support


Dave Lagana has posted a new blog taking a look at the outcry of fan support for Christian when he won the World Title at Extreme Rules, and his subsequent losing of the belt to Randy Orton at this past Tuesday night’s Smackdown taping. The following is an excerpt from the must-read blog, which highlights, in detail, Christian’s long road to the title, and includes several Tweets from fans weighing in on the current situation:

"Christian had been on a long ride to the title.  See some of these clips that WWE posted (Clip# 1, Clip #2).  Since returning to WWE in 2009, Christian has been sort of kept on the back burner.   He had great matches on ECW as their champion but still wasn’t given the spotlight.  The reaction to his title victory at WWE Extreme Rules was genuine and real.  It showed how the people were behind him.  But then the news of this past Tuesday’s TV tapings broke.

If you don’t know already by now, you might want to NOT read any further.  I guess it’s a spoiler but if you’re reading my site or my twitter – you know what the hashtag #IWantChristian means.


WWE made a business decision with their call on Tuesday.  Read this story on Wrestlezone on why they did it.  Randy Orton is being positioned as the centerpiece of that brand with the loss of Edge, Rey and Undertaker.   With that being said, the outcry of support for Christian last night was pretty impressive.  Search #IWantChristian to see.  The question to everyone who spoke out last night…

Are you serious?

Are you done with WWE?  Will you stop watching?  How are you planning on getting your voice heard?  What other brands will you shift your dollars to?   Vince McMahon always used to say “Is this a hill you’re willing to die on?”"