Report: More Details On Michelle McCool’s WWE Depature

As we reported last week, WWE Diva Michelle McCool has indeed finished up with the company. Since that report, McCool has spoken with WWE about her depature, and now has provided more details on the story including a possible update on her future.

It’s being said that WWE officials have been aware of McCool’s decision to leave the company for quite some time, and creative had planned to break up the LayCool team several months ago. However, when Snooki signed on to participate at WrestleMania this year, plans to break up LayCool were put on hold so that the Snooki angle could take place. The decision was later made that Extreme Rules would be McCool’s last WWE match.

The general feeling is that McCool decided to leave WWE so that she and her husband, The Undertaker, could focus on settling down and starting a family in the near future. As we noted, McCool left WWE on good terms, and the door is open anytime for her should she want to return. It’s even being said that WWE is considering her for a coaching position on Tough Enough if the show is picked up for a second season.