WWE RAW Results (5/2) – Happy Birthday Rock!


WWE RAW Results

May 2nd 2011

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

RAW Results:

Lillian Garcia returns for the night and she sings the Star Spangled Banner to a great ovation, then the Rock comes out and says he has one thing to say… "we got him!" He thanks the troops overseas and says he is proud to be an American, so there is one way he is starting the show, and says the Pledge of Allegiance with the crowd. He then says it is good to be in Miami, and talks about his life through college and WWE, and says he is ready to party, but gets interrupted by a GM email.

Cole laughs when he gets the email and starts reading, but Rock cuts him off and says if he has the nerve to interrupt him on his birthday, he should read it to the Rock’s face. Cole declines and Rock says he knows he is scared, but he won his two matches so he should get it the ring, or sit in his box like a little drunk hobbit bitch. Cole says he isn’t the same guy Rock used to throw t-shirts at, and he became a man, and he’ll show him something right now. He says he is a winner, and he takes off his shirt to reveal a Celtics jersey. The crowd boos him and starts a "You’re an Asshole" chant, then he gets in the ring and says Rock has to apologize to the GM and Cole, or the birthday party is over.

Rock says Cole is right, and Rock did disrespect the GM at Wrestlemania, and harassed Cole over the years, but he says he is sorry. Rock extends his hand and says they are live and he is apologizing like a man, so he either accepts it or he doesn’t. Cole shakes his hand and Rock points at the jersey Cole is wearing, and says "Go Heat, Bitch!" then Rock Bottoms Cole! He throws up the "U" sign, and hits the People’s Elbow, then tells them it’s over yet, and introduces Miami’s own Pitbull. Pitbull says happy birthday to Rock then performs a medley of his songs with the Miami Heat dancers.